Advocacy Policy Walsingham Support believes that the people we support should be able to express their views as clearly and honestly as they wish to. Some people may not be able to communicate clearly, so we encourage representatives, or advocates to support the individual to have their voice heard on their behalf. Write your title and text. Then change the placeholder pictures to match your words. An advocate is someone who helps someone say what they want, secure their rights and access the services they need. Independent advocacy details will be available in all services to the people we support and their family members or representatives.
An advocate may be needed: All staff members will be given training so that they know when someone may need an advocate. We will also support people we support to be trained as self-advocates if they wish to do so. Write your title and text. Then change the placeholder pictures to match your words. A self-advocate is someone who represents themselves and their interests. They express their own views. An advocate may be needed:
When someone has their needs assessed. When creating or reviewing your support plan. Write your title and text. Then change the placeholder pictures to match your words. When someone wants to make a complaint or has a concern. When someone wants to express their views to an outside organisation.
When someone is going through a transition. When someone want to make a suggestion about Walsingham Support’s policies and procedures. When someone wants to express their views about one of Walsingham Support’s services. Write your title and text. Then change the placeholder pictures to match your words. When someone is going through a transition. A transition is when an individual moves to another home or starts using a different service.
1. Independence – advocates should not work for Walsingham Support. Walsingham Support believes that advocates should have the following qualities, which are listed in the Advocacy Charter by Action on Advocacy: 1. Independence – advocates should not work for Walsingham Support. Write your title and text. Then change the placeholder pictures to match your words. 2. Empowerment – individuals using advocates should be as involved as they want to be and have a say in what goes on. 3. – Accountability – this means that advocates should be open and honest about the work that they do.
4. Support for advocates – advocates must be trained and supported. 5. Complaints – advocacy schemes must have a policy for dealing with complaints. Write your title and text. Then change the placeholder pictures to match your words. 6. Clarity of purpose – this means that everyone should know what is going on and the reason the advocacy is needed. 7. Putting people first – advocates must not judge people and respect the needs and views of others.
8. Equal opportunities – advocacy schemes must have an equal opportunities policy. 9. Accessibility – advocacy must be free and available to everyone in a way they can understand. Write your title and text. Then change the placeholder pictures to match your words. 10. Confidentiality – advocacy schemes must have a policy on confidentiality which means that they keep what you say private, unless you want them to tell someone. At Walsingham Support we make sure that we provide information about advocacy.
Helping individuals to find an advocate if they want one. At Walsingham Support we also make sure that advocacy is available to anyone who wants it by: Making sure that people we support know about the advocacy schemes in their local area. Write your title and text. Then change the placeholder pictures to match your words. Using advocates to promote the involvement of the people we support in Walsingham Support as an organisation. Helping individuals to find an advocate if they want one.
Supporting people to be trained as self-advocates, where possible. Involving advocates in preparing and reviewing care plans, when this is appropriate. Write your title and text. Then change the placeholder pictures to match your words. Promoting the use of advocates when people want to feedback about a service. Respecting the role of advocates in situations where people want to complain about services.