CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE VCE Information Leading Teacher – Data and VCE/VET/VCAL – David Watson Principal and Student Learning Leader – Mary Mcpherson Careers – MIPS Coordinator – Ian Cook CUT – welcome and intros; discuss the importance of understanding; important two years CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE
What are your questions/concerns about VCE What are your questions/concerns about VCE? What would you like to know by the end of this session?
Program Outline VCE Requirements Study Scores and the ATAR VET and VCE VCE Baccalaureate When Issues Arise Curriculum Information Expectations and Homework Student Support 2018 Pathways
1. VCE Requirements
CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE 1. VCE Requirements First, some important terms: Unit: A semester long course of study Units 1&2 are internally assessed Units 3&4 have exams Sequence: A year long course of study Subject: An area of study composed of four Units (1-4) eg Chemistry, English etc CUT CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE
CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE 1. VCE Requirements What subjects do I need for my VCE? A minimum of 16 Units over levels 1-4 at least 2 from a Unit 3 & 4 English sequence e.g., Unit 3 & 4 English or Unit 3 & 4 Literature At least 3 English Units across levels 1-4 at least 3 other Unit 3 & 4 sequences CUT CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE
CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE 1. VCE Requirements How do I pass a Unit? Two forms of assessment tasks for Unit 3/4 subjects Tasks to determine satisfactory completion Determines pass/fail of the Unit Graded Assessment Tasks Contribute to the Study Score In order to pass a Unit, students must obtain an ‘S’ (S = satisfactory completion) CUT CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE
CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE 1. VCE Requirements What is an ‘S’ and how is it obtained? Each VCE subject has a Study Design The Study Design defines the Outcomes for each Unit that must be demonstrated in order to obtain an ‘S’ (satisfactory) A Unit will have 2-4 Outcomes Example CUT CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE
CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE 1. VCE Requirements What are DLAs? DLA-Designated Learning Activity Tasks designed to enable students to show that they understand the relevant content from the Study Design Opportunity for students to become familiar with the content that will be assessed in graded assessments Opportunity for teachers to provide feedback about student learning prior to graded assessments CUT CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE
CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE 1. VCE Requirements How are DLAs assessed? Ultimately S/N, though many teachers will give a ‘score’ Satisfactorily completing the DLAs equates to satisfactorily completing the Unit CUT CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE
CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE 1. VCE Requirements Attendance requirement: VCAA requires 50 hours in class Minimum 80% of classes To achieve potential an attendance rate of more than 95% is recommended. CUT CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE
2. Study Scores and the ATAR
CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE 2. Study Scores and the ATAR First, some important terms: SAC/SAT: Graded tasks performed in class by students and which contribute, with the external exams, to the study score. Study Score: A score, out of 50, for a Unit 3/4 sequence. Used to calculate the ATAR ATAR: A number between 0.05-99.95 used to rank student performance for the purposes of University entry CUT CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE
2. Study Scores and the ATAR How is the ATAR calculated? Unit 3 and 4 Subjects graded using SACs or SATs to produce a Graded Assessment result for each Unit (GA1 & GA2 respectively). Unit 3 and 4 subjects are then graded by external examinations at the end of the year (GA3). GA1 and GA2 results are moderated by the VCAA and then combined with the GA3 result to produce a raw Study Score (out of 50). For the purposes of ATAR calculation, all subjects are standardised and the resultant scores scaled up or down accordingly. Top 4 Scaled Study Scores (including an English) are added together, along with 10% of the next two highest. These are ranked and then rescaled to a result between 0.05-99.95.
CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE 2. Study Scores and the ATAR What are SACs/SATs? School-based “Graded Assessments” are calculated from: SAC: School-Assessed Coursework SAT: School-Assessed Task (typically folios) Each SAC/SAT is designed to assess one of more “Outcomes” from the Study Designs Scores for each Unit’s SACs are combined to produce the Graded Assessment result for the Unit CUT CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE
CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE 2. Study Scores and the ATAR What is SAC/SAT Moderation? SAC/SAT scores that teachers provide back to students are provisional only The VCAA might moderate these results up or down depending upon how students in the school compare with their peers across the state in the exam BRB CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE
CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE 2. Study Scores and the ATAR What does my Study Score mean? Range is 0 to 50 with a median is 30 2% of students will get a score on or above 45 9% of students will get a score on or above 40 26% of students will get a score on or above 35 50% of students will get a score on or above 30 78% of students will get a score on or above 25 93% of students will get a score on or above 20 BRB CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE
CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE 2. Study Scores and the ATAR What is scaling? For purposes of ATAR calculation, Study Scores are adjusted or scaled: “difficult” studies get scaled up and “easier” subjects get scaled down. Eg Subject Raw Score Scaled Score Methods 30 35 Further 30 28 BRB CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE
CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE 2. Study Scores and the ATAR How are Study Scores used to calculate the ATAR? Calculation uses scaled study scores from … An English sequence + 3 next best study scores + 10% of 5th and 6th study scores or unscored VET bonuses The “Primary Four” brb CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE
CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE 2. Study Scores and the ATAR What’s a “good” ATAR? The ATAR ranges from 0.05 to 99.95 The top 35 students in the State get 99.95, the next 35 get 99.90 and so on 5 scaled study scores of 30 give an ATAR of about 67 (6 scaled 30s 70) 5 scaled study scores of 35 give an ATAR of about 84 brb CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE
3. VET and VCE
CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE 3. VET and VCE Cert III Catering Operations Cert II Engineering Cert III Sport and Recreation (Yr. 12 of Outdoor Rec) Cert III Technical Production (Music Industry) Unscored: Cert II Automotive Technology Cert II Building & Construction Cert II Applied Fashion Design & Technology Brb – all our VET subjects are taught by staff at CSC but in conjunction with Registered Training Organisations or TAFES CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE
CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE 3. VET and VCE Scored: Have exams and a study score. You should sit the exam and complete school assessments for a study score to be generated. Unscored: Your Primary Four subjects are averaged, and you get 10% of that average added on to your score that is used to generate your ATAR. BRB CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE
CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE 3. VET and VCE Primary Four: English – 34 Physics – 39 Mathematical Methods – 37 Art – 33 Average = 35.75 10% of Average = 3.575 Therefore an unscored VET subject as a 5th or 6th subject would contribute 3.575 to your overall score. BRB CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE
4. VCE Baccalaureate
CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE 4. VCE Baccalaureate What is the VCE Baccalaureate? It is a special VCE certificate VCE program of study must include: a Units 3 and 4 sequence in English or Literature with a study score of 30 or above; a Units 3 and 4 sequence in either Mathematics Methods or Specialist Mathematics a Units 3 and 4 sequence in a VCE Language at least two other Units 3 and 4 sequences CUT CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE
5. When Issues Arise
CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE 5. When Issues Arise Students may reschedule a SAC in certain situations: It clashes with another commitment Medical reasons Exceptional circumstances To reschedule a SAC, complete the “Unit 3/4 Reschedule of SAC Request Form” See your subject teacher &/or Mr Watson CUT CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE
CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE 5. When Issues Arise Students may apply for Special Provision/Special Exam Arrangements cognitive disorders (eg ASD) Language disorders (eg dyslexia) Health issues (eg anxiety, chronic pain, diabetes) Students apply through the school and in all cases supporting documentation, such as a medical assessment, is required CUT CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE
CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE 5. When Issues Arise Special provision usually involves: Rest breaks Separate room In exceptional cases it may also involve: Use of a scribe to record responses Use of a narrator to read questions Use of a computer to write responses CUT CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE
CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE 5. When Issues Arise The deadline for applications for special exam arrangements is Friday 3rd March If you feel you should apply, see Mr Watson urgently. CUT CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE
CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE 5. When Issues Arise What if I have a grievance about a SAC/SAT result or about some aspect of how it was conducted? Depending upon the nature of the grievance, the first step would be to clarify it with the teacher If this doesn’t resolve the grievance, bring it to the attention of the VCE Coordinator (Mr Watson) It will then be investigated and appropriate action taken where necessary CUT CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE
6. Curriculum Information
CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE 6. Curriculum Information Learning Management System – Moodle All course outlines including week-by-week breakdown, DLA and SAC dates Designated Learning Tasks and class materials available VCAA website: Study Designs and resources CUT CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE
7. Expectations and Homework
CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE 7. Expectations and Homework Minimum of 2-3 hours homework a day Additional 6 hours a week during peak times Homework consists of: Completing set tasks / designated learning activities Preparation of summary notes and revision of concepts Preparing for upcoming topics – pre-reading Preparing for upcoming assessments Practice examinations CUT CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE
8. Student Support
CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE 8. Student Support What supports are available to students? Study skills in Mentor program and Mentor teachers Teachers are available to assist Study periods at Year 12 level September holidays revision and practice exams After school study sessions - Thursday nights in the library Online resources (typically accessed via Moodle) CUT CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE
CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE 8. Student Support How can parents support their child? Provision of quiet study area Support with organisation and study routines Helping to maintain balance (rest/work/play/diet) Giving support in “peak” periods/monitoring wellbeing Helping students stay focused Ensuring communication between home and school Encouraging and emphasising the value of working diligently CUT CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE
CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE 8. Student Support What supports are available to students? Study skills in Mentor program and Mentor teachers Teachers are available to assist Study periods at Year 12 level September holidays revision and practice examination sessions After school study - Thursday nights in the library Online resources (typically accessed via Moodle) CUT CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE
CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE 8. Student Support MENTOR STUDENT HOME TEACHERS a more personaliSed and relationships-based approach to working with our students ONE Adult who knows the student best and is the prime caring adult for that student at school The Mentor should be the primary link between home and school Every mentor is supported by a Precinct leader CUT CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE
CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE 8. Student Support Guidance Counsellor/Wellbeing Staff Specialist staff who can support students with issues within and beyond classroom Students can self-refer at any time Able to provide students with links to GPs and other wellbeing and mental health professionals Can mediate between staff and students or students and their peers to repair relationships Develop balance : sleep, exercise, relationships, social life CUT CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE
9. 2018 Pathways
CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE Pathway Options for 2018 University – All are different. TAFE – Some offer degrees. VTAC entry. Direct entry. Work / Apprenticeships / Traineeships. Deferment / GAP Year. coo CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE
CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE What’s happening? Weekly Career Newsletter/ information relevant to Year 12 sent to personal email if registered. Weekly Career Newsletter will be posted in library (also emailed). Currently in the process of interviewing all 2017 Year 12 students. Second interview conducted in Term 3. coo CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE
CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE What’s happening? TIS (Tertiary Information Service) – May 2017. On request: provide students with an individual print out matching their units, interests and courses. List of Open Days available early Term 3. Early August - Parent/Guardians/Student VTAC Night coo CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE
CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE Important VTAC Dates Initial selections close end of Term 3. Special Entry Access Scheme (SEAS) close early Term 4. Scholarships close mid October. Change of preferences end of school year. Offers early January 2018. cook CASTLEMAINE SECONDARY COLLEGE
Questions? CUT