Fostering Valorisation of Publicly Funded Research Dr Pat Frain Bringing Innovation to Market – Turning Knowledge into Profit Krakow 5-6 September 2013 Fostering Valorisation of Publicly Funded Research Dr Pat Frain
Contents Background Strategic approach at National and University Levels Funding for KTTOs Increasing strength of KTT profession
Background Significant progress in developing KTT over the last decade Changing role of Universities Industry commitment to open innovation Government support for university R&D and Innovation EU initiatives BUT MANY CHALLENGES STILL EXIST
Need for Strategic approach at National and University Levels 1 Need for Strategic approach at National and University Levels
Strategic Approach Government - Lack of consistency in KTT Strategies Industry – need to agree on fair return to all stakeholders Universities need to show greater commitment to innovation University Leadership Long term strategic partnership
University Leadership Adopt innovation as one of the three pillars of University mission Supportive policies and procedures (ownership of IP, etc) Flexibility and autonomy of TTO Code of conduct and appropriate incentives – financial and academic Clearly defined expectations - benchmarking Appropriate infrastructure and facilities (incubator, science parks, etc) Professional TTO with appropriate understanding of academia and industry
Strategic Partnerships Start with shared vision and develop a strategy Long term strategic partnerships with built in flexibility – relationship and trust Mutually beneficial – balance industry objectives and academic priorities – appreciation of behavioural drivers People including project champion are key Universities will need to ensure reasonable levels of IP integrity Codes of practice, standard contracts ........ Legislation ?
2 Funding of KTTO
NovaUCD NovaUCD launched in 2003 – purpose built centre - supportive environment - incubation facilities to assist innovators and entrepreneurs - Coherent support programme Investment: €11 million by public/private partnership Grants: Technology Transfer Strengthening Initiative (2007) Income: Rents, royalties, acquisitions, etc
10 Years Over 120 companies availed of NovaUCD incubation facilities 30 UCD spin-out companies incorporated Over 400 inventions disclosed Over 300 patent applications filed Over 80 licence agreements concluded New facility for second stage or established companies
The Sponsors measures of success Technology, Finance, Legal/accounting Return on Investment PR/Marketing/Communications Access to clients (start-ups and entrepreneurs) Access to graduates and research collaboration/outputs Enterprise Ireland – TTSI Managing Expectations
Metrics - Inputs to Impacts < 5 Years Inputs Invention disclosures Patents filed Research and other agreements Partnerships Image of university 5-10 years More emphasis on outputs Deals signed Licences, options, assignments Spin-outs Increased research funding Licensing income (limited) >10 years More emphasis on impacts Products and services in market place Licensing income Investments in spin-outs Income from dividends or sale of shares Increased competitiveness Self sufficiency Jobs created
Licensing as a Source of Income Managing Expectations 2010/11 earnings by year of disclosure for top 25 inventions (85.3% of total income from inventions) at University of California Year of Disclosure Earnings $ 1000 % %* 1980 - 1990 46.311 30 68 1990 - 2000 103,678 67 24 2000 - 2010 5,367 3 8 Total 155,458 100 * Without $87.5m payment against future royalty income paid in 1996
Strength of KTT Profession 3 Strength of KTT Profession
EuKTS Based on feasibility study funded by EU Increase quality and recognition of profession by: Setting professional standards – curriculum Improving quality of training – Accreditation Recognition of competences - Certification EuKTS is unique and comprehensive Based on detailed KTT curriculum Offers accreditation and certification Recognition - grandfathering and exam systems designed for each stage of career Available to all training providers who meet the required criteria Consultation ongoing with other providers and potential partners
Networks Exchange of best practice and input to policy National and European - representing professionals and institutions National - AURIL, CURIE, ITTIG, NetVal, RedOTRI, etc European – ProTon Europe, ASTP, TT Circle, EARMA, etc ProTon Europe Promoting european innovation by increasing the effectiveness of KT and PRO/industry collaboration Network of National Networks Strengthening KTT profession Voice for the Profession on EU policy Mergers
Summary Significant progress Develop National and University KTT Strategies University leadership role Focus on building long term strategic partnerships Long term commitment to funding of KTTOs Need to manage expectations Increase quality and recognition of profession