Spring Week 1 English I Mrs. Buikema 2014
Bellwork January 6, 2014 Welcome Back!! Happy 2014!! In your writer’s notebook, write a paragraph reflecting on: Winter break, Last year’s highlights, or Your hopes and goals for this year
Classroom Resolutions Put phone away. Stay quiet and listen when other classmates are sharing. Keep being awesome.
Missing assignment sheet If you don’t turn in your work, you will turn in one of these sheets. Late Work Penalties One day late: minus 20 Two days late: minus 30 Three or more days late: minus 50
What are we going to do today? Discuss the EOC Define literary terms.
THE EOC End of Course Exam March 31, 2014 Reading comprehension, punctuation, CAPE short answer questions, expository essay
Literary terms You will rotate around five stations. Keep these literary terms because they will be for a grade.
Exit Ticket When you are finished with your literary terms, pick up a sticky note. Write your name and a seven word definition of “poetry.” Stick it on the white board.
Bellwork January 7, 2014 Write a poem about a poem. See page 193 of SpringBoard Book for template.
What are we going to do today? Analyze similes and metaphors "Identity" p. 217 of SB "Ode to Socks" p. 222 SB
“Identity” Julio Noboa Polanco First impression Connotations of “flowers” and “weeds” Juxtaposition of verbs Repeated words/phrases? Similes/Metaphors
“Ode to My Socks” Pablo Neruda “Ode”: lyric poem expressing feelings or thoughts of a speaker, often celebrating a person, event, or thing Find the similes, extended metaphors Write your own ode! At least five lines
Bellwork January 8, 2014 Write a couplet using “big” and “wig”
What are we going to do today? Begin our Poetry Contract Worth TWO MAJOR GRADES!!!! Analyze personification “Wandered Lonely as a Cloud“
Bellwork January 9, 2014 Write one line containing alliteration using the first letter of your first name.
What are we going to do today? Discuss the poetic terms you find in these poems: “Scars” SB p 239 “Hanging Fire” SB p 220 Answer a CAPE question comparing the two works. Continue working on poetry contracts
CAPE question How do the moods in the poems “Hanging Fire” and “Scars” compare or contrast?
Bellwork January 10, 2014 Take a sticky note and stick on the board: what are some of your favorite poems or poets? If you don’t have one, which of the poems we have read so far do you like best?
What are we going to do today? Learn TP-CASTT Continue working on poetry contract
Catch up Have you finished Vocabulary terms CAPE question