Making words work together vocabulary teaching and lexical cohesion Julie Moore St Andrews - February, 2017 @lexicojules
a practical perspective Lexical cohesion a practical perspective discourse markers synonyms super-ordinates Professional Development
Discourse markers range appropriate usage less obvious functions Professional Development
Professional Development
Professional Development
“low-rated papers rely more heavily on lexical repetition” Lexical cohesion chains of meaning “low-rated papers rely more heavily on lexical repetition” “frequent repetition of lexical items does not necessarily increase readability” Witte & Faigley (1981) Professional Development
Synonyms difficult complex range complicated tricky academic register confusing hard tough challenging demanding adverse problematic range academic register understanding differences Professional Development
Professional Development
Professional Development
Super-ordinates & general words Professional Development
Professional Development
Professional Development
Teaching lexical cohesion The takeaways Productive range Noticing Nuts & bolts vocabulary Professional Development
Any questions? @lexicojules @ELTjuleswords Professional Development
References Oxford Academic Vocabulary Practice (OUP, 2017) Lower-intermediate B1 Upper-intermediate B2-C1 Durrant, P. (2016) To what extent is the Academic Vocabulary List relevant to university student writing? English for Specific Purposes 43 Flowerdew, J. (2006) Use of signalling nouns in a learner corpus International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 11(3) Halliday, M.A.K. & Hasan, R. (1976) Cohesion in English. Harlow: Longman Witte, S.P. & Faigley, L. (1981) Coherence, Cohesion, and Writing Quality College Composition & Communication 32 (2) Professional Development