Reflexive Verbs Conjugation French 2
Reflexive verbs Reflexive verbs are when the same person performs and receives the action of the verb. Je brosse le chien Je me brosse les cheveux The reflexive pronoun (SE) helps you to recognize a reflexive verb
Reflexive Verbs: Present Tense To conjugate a reflexive verb in the present tense, Step 1: change the reflexive pronoun to agree with the subject Step 2: change the verb to agree with the subject Se laver = to wash one’s self je me lave nous nous lavons tu te laves vous vous lavez il/elle/on se lave ils/elles se lavent
EXAMPLES Je m’habille. Nous nous levons tot. Elles _______ maquillent. He shave’s himself.
REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS The reflexive pronouns me, te, and se become m’, t’, s’ before a vowel or silent h Example: Je m’habille = I dress myself Example: Tu t’endors = You sleep The reflexive nous and vous stay the same. Example: Nous nous habillons = We dress ourselves
NEGATIVE In a negative sentence, put ne and pas around the pronoun AND the verb. EXAMPLES Je ne me brosse pas les dents. Il ne se maquille pas. Nous ne _______ peignons ______ les cheveux. They(m) don’t wash their hands.
CLASS WORK Using the reflexive verbs we have learned, write the following into French I wake up at six. You all brush your teeth. Marc doesn’t put on make up. They (fem.) wash their hair You get dressed fast (rapide).
Se Lever Add this verb chart to your notes. Se lever = to get up Je me lève nous nous levons Tu te lèves vous vous levez Il/elle se lève ils/elles se lèvent
S’APPELER The verb s’appeler is another ER verb with spelling changes in the stem. Copy this verb chart into your notes for reference S’appeler = To call oneself Je m’appelle Nous nous appelons Tu t’appelles vous vous appelez Il/elle s’appelle ils/elles se appellent
S’endormir The verb s’endormir is an irregular verb ‘ir’. Copy this verb chart into your notes for reference S’endormir = to go to sleep Je m’endors nous nous endormons Tu t’endors vous vous endormez Il/elle s’endort ils/elles s’endorment