Genetically Engineered Foods: Overview What is genetic engineering (GE) and how does it differ from traditional breeding? How predominant are GE crops & foods? How does the govt. regulate these crops & foods? FDA, USDA & EPA Video: Harvest of Fear GMO (genetically modified organism) synonymous with GE (genetically engineered) Discussion questions Nutrition 10
Traditional Breeding vs Genetic Engineering Nutrition 10
Genetic Engineering A technique in which genes can be moved between different life forms. Genetically Engineered (GE) Food: Gene is taken from one organism (virus, bacteria, animal) and transferred to a plant or animal (that we eat). Nutrition 10
How Common are GE Foods? 1996, FDA approved genetically engineered crops mixed with non-genetically engineered crops. They became a part of our food supply (soda, cereal, chips, mayo, etc) At least 70% of processed foods contain GE ingredients. Nutrition 10
Most Common GE Foods: Corn, Soy, Canola Soy, corn and canola have a herbicide tolerant (HT) gene in seed so field can be sprayed with herbicide (Round-Up) and not kill the crop. Monsanto“Round-Up Ready” seeds Corn has a gene from Bt bacteria incorporated into corn to make the plant resistant to caterpillars. Bt is a natural bacteria in the soil that is a poison for moth and butterfly larva (caterpillars). Science & Hunger
Newest GE Approved: Salmon First GE animal in the food supply Growth hormone from a Chinook salmon & gene from an ocean pout (eel like fish) keep the growth gene active all year. Salmon grows twice as fast Will be available stores in ~3 years. Will not be labeled.
Government Regulators Food and Drug Administration (FDA): Monitors GE foods when they are sold as food Makes decisions on food labeling United States Department of Agriculture (USDA): Oversees GE crops when they are in the field Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): Determines the environmental aspects of GE crops. Interest is in the effects that the GE crop has on the environment. They monitor Bt corn. Nutrition 10
Substantial Equivalence Indicates that two foods (example corn & Bt corn) have similar chemical profiles. Substantial Equivalence is the reason the FDA does not label genetically engineered foods. Nutrition 10
To limit GE foods: Minimize processed foods Buy organic Look for labels with“not genetically engineered”: Products that contain soy, corn, canola oil. Whole Foods Market is requiring all GE foods in store be labeled by 2018. Buy food verified as “Non GMO Project Verified”: An independent, non-profit, voluntary certification Choose Trader Joe’s brand products Shop at farmer’s markets Nutrition 10