Executive Leadership Series July 27, 2016 Korn ferry assessment results Good afternoon everyone, and welcome to today's webinar. My name is Lloyd Johnson, and today we will discussing the Korn Ferry Assessment Results..
WEBINAR LOGISTICS Your Participation Open and close your control panel Join audio: Choose Mic & Speakers to use VoIP Choose Telephone and dial using the information provided Submit questions and comments via the Questions panel Note: Today’s presentation is being recorded and will be provided within 48 hours. Your Participation Before we get started, I’d like to go over a few webinar logistics so you know how to participate in today’s event. We've taken a screen shot of an example of the attendee interface, and you should see something that looks like this on your own computer desktop in the upper-right corner. You’re audio has been muted, so you are listening in using your computer's speaker system by default. If you would prefer to join over the phone, just select “Telephone” in the Audio pane and the dial-in information will be displayed. You will have the opportunity to submit text questions to today’s panelists by typing your questions into the Questions pane of the control panel. You may send in your questions at any time during the presentation, and we will collect these questions and address them during the Q&A session at the end of today’s presentation. Please also note that today’s webinar is being recorded, and the recording along with the presentation slides will be available on the WIHCL website with 48 hours.
Webinar Overview Overview of Competency Framework WIHCL Programs Overview WIHCL 2016 Webinar Series Overview Introduction of Panelists Framing The Challenge/Opportunity: Leveraging Information and External Resources To Increase Your Effectiveness Pre-Assessment During The Assessment Interpreting The Assessment Results Leveraging The Assessment Results To Enhance Key Relationships
Vice President, Global Assessment Services Christine Fuchs Vice President, Global Assessment Services Korn Ferry
Global Litigation, Associate General Counsel-Americas Kimberly R. Phillips Global Litigation, Associate General Counsel-Americas Shell Oil Company
The Assessment Landscape Kimberly: Can you share with the audience the different kind of assessments that you have taken? Kimberly: Before we take a deep dive into the topic, can you share the following Your current role: Your previous in-house jobs
Pre-Assessment Christine: What is the purpose of the assessment? Kimberly: How did you feel right before you took the assessment? Follow up questions: Christine: What advice would you give to a person related to preparation for the assessment (related to getting into the right mindset) Kimberly: Now that you have taken this assessment, any thoughts on what you would do differently as you prepared the next time?
During The Assessment Kimberly: What happens when you don’t like any of the answers? Christine: Can you explain how the questions are developed? Is there any advice that you can share to minimize the level of frustration that a person may experience because they are searching for the “right” answer or trying to game the assessment?
KF Four Dimensions of Leadership and Talent 4/13/2018 KF Four Dimensions of Leadership and Talent Research findings Performance in the workplace is governed by four factors
SME Job Profile results (N=8)
KF4D Assessment Results
WIHCL members results (N=117) Overall: One cluster of Traits was lower than benchmark for many Tolerance for Ambiguity Risk-Taking Influence Affiliation Competencies related to persuading and managing conflict were generally strong, while those involving establishing broad networks, engaging and inspiring others, and emphasizing a broad business perspective were lower
Trait patterns Strongest: Tolerance for ambiguity Risk-Taking Empathy Composure Situational Self-Awareness Sociability Less prominent: Tolerance for ambiguity Risk-Taking Affiliation Influence
Competencies Situational Adaptability Nimble Learning Balances Stakeholders Courage Navigates Networks Engaging & Inspiring Others Global Perspective Managing Ambiguity Strategic Vision Persuades Manages Conflict
So, now what? Assess – get specific Target your focus Self-analysis 360° Feedback Previous feedback & experience Target your focus What is critical in my current situation or the near future? What am I motivated to address? What developmental resources do I have access to? Create a specific development plan Identify what to start doing, stop doing, keep doing Define remedies: - Learn from others - Read - Identify the best developmental tasks and jobs to grow skills Lay out a plan and schedule Get feedback & measure progress So, now what? Track your progress – set specific progress goals/benchmarks and keep a log Get feedback from those who have known you well prior to your plan and those who have less experience with you Celebrate successes
Leveraging the results to enhance Key relationships Alicia Myara, Deputy General Counsel, Freddie Mac List of five competencies: Self Awareness Financial Acumen Managerial Courage Leadership/Team Building Executive Presence
Building effective teams NEXT WEBINAR FRIDAY, August 19, 2016 Building effective teams Good afternoon everyone, and welcome to today's webinar. My name is Lloyd Johnson, and today we will discussing the Korn Ferry Assessment Results..