Health Data in National Center for Education Statistics Data Collections Chris Chapman Presentation at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) and Educational Testing Service (ETS) Collaboration Conference May 5, 2016
Overview Overview of data collections Disability information Sample surveys Administrative records Collaboration experience and options
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Much of the health data NCES collects relates to IDEA Law ensures services to children with disabilities from birth through age 21 Most NCES studies collect data about whether individuals have disabilities as defined by IDEA IDEA defines disabilities in clinical terms Many researchers use more functionally defined definitions and some NCES studies also include functionally-defined items
Sample Surveys NCES sample surveys have included more health information including: Physical and emotional health, Access to medical care and health insurance, Faculty perceptions of health as a problem for students, Nutrition, and Safety of a student’s or school’s environment Determination of when to collect is bounded by: Research goals of the study, Who study respondents will be, Mode of data collection, and Time available with various respondents to the study
National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) NAEP samples nearly 1 million students during years of state-representative collections Data are collected from and about 4th-, 8th, and 12th grader students Direct academic assessments cover a wide range of academic subjects Health related data include disability status and: Student, teacher, and administrator perceptions of whether student health is a problem at the school Extent to which other health related issues are a problem at the school
Early Childhood Longitudinal Studies (ECLS) Most extensive health data are collected in ECLS, which follow children through early development, either from birth or from kindergarten Most recent is the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 2010-11 Data are collected with direct assessments of the children, and surveys of them and their parents, teachers, and schools Health measures include: Direct height and weight measures, BMI, and hearing, Survey data about children’s physical activity and emotional, health (and emotional health of parents), and Recency of doctor and dental visits, and health insurance
Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) NCES collects data about education across the lifespan PIAAC is our most recent direct assessment of skills of the general adult population Assessed cognitive and workplace skills Health information included: General questions about overall physical and mental health, Whether adults had had a range of basic evaluations such as checkups in the past year, If respondents had insurance, and How they accessed information about health problems, overall health care, diet, and exersize Health information is not available for other countries in PIAAC
Sample Surveys Previous slides were exemplars of NCES sample surveys The full set of surveys include: New middle grade longitudinal study High school longitudinal studies Postsecondary longitudinal studies International elementary and secondary assessments Household surveys about newborn children through adults Elementary and secondary teacher and principal surveys Student- and school-crime and safety surveys For information about all NCES studies including questionnaires, please visit
Administrative Record Collections NCES conducts an extensive set of administrative collections about schools and school systems Common Core of Data (CCD) – annually collects data from all public K-12 schools and systems about enrollment, faculty, and finances EDFacts – basis of CCD, but collects much more extensive data including student assessment results Private School Survey (PSS) – similar to CCD but collected every other year from private K-12 schools
Administrative Record Collections - continued Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) – annually collects data from all postsecondary institutions providing Title IV funding Includes enrollment information, degree programs offered, completion information, and cost of attendance data Collections can be linked to other surveys including those conducted by health researchers and agencies Allow health researchers to integrate a wealth of school and school system information Collections include geospatial identifiers
Collaborations with Health Agencies NCES works with other agencies to study health issues Often partner with the Administration for Children and Families to expand data collected about young children Worked with NIH’s National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders to integrate hearing evaluations into ECLS-K:2011 Coordinated with the U.S. Department of Agriculture to develop questions about nutrition and nutrition programs in NCES studies NCES shares education focused items and assessments developed for NCES studies with other agencies
Thank you Thank you
Typical Disability Series Has a doctor, health care provider, teacher, or school official ever told you that [child] has any of the following conditions? Specific learning disability Any developmental delay that affects [his/her] ability to learn Autism Deafness or another hearing problem Blindness or another vision impairment that cannot be corrected with glasses An orthopedic impairment / bone, joint, or muscle problems Traumatic brain injury Intellectual disability or mental retardation Attention Deficit Disorder or Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder Another health impairment lasting 6 months or more