Vocabulary Quiz Today Take a few minutes to look over your vocab silently if you would like. If you owe me vocab homework, drop it in the in-bin. (This is your last chance to do so!) When you are done your quiz you can take out some work until everyone is done.
Jason and the Quest for the Golden Fleece Paragraph… Silent Seat Work: When you have completed the vocabulary quiz… Go to the back room and take a computer. Get logged on. Take a copy of the reading from the back table and read unit you come to the indication to stop on page 124. (When you have logged onto your google-drive close the top of the computer to save the batteries.)
Discussion and assignment… Get Ready… Get Set… At the beginning of an epic the world will be ________________. Is this true for Jason, how? (Discuss this with someone sitting next to you for 45 seconds) Imagine we are going to write an essay on the Epic quest and cite one example. Our thesis is: “The epic quest may take many forms but its pattern continues to be commonly found in many different stories.” Our first paragraph of this essay is going to cover how the typical status quo is adhered to in the story of Jason and the Golden Fleece.
Steps in Writing Persuasive Paragraph… Write Topic sentence Set context of evidence: State when and where in the story the evidence comes from. Provide Evidence: This is a concrete example or a quote. Interpret the evidence: Write 2 sentences which focus on a detail of the evidence and explains how this demonstrates a abstract concept. (Remember to use one of the 3 methods of interpretation: Specific Word or Phrase within the Quote, Connection, Contextual Evidence.) Go…
Pieces and Parts “Make the paragraph the unit of composition.” -Elements of Style Topic Sentence Expository/Persuasive paragraphs have three main part, each has a job to do. The Topic Sentence The Evidence The Interpretation Evidence Interpretation
Different Ways to Interpret Evidence Pick a specific word or phrase. Explain why using this word or phrase is significant. Make a connection. Show how this is similar to another well known example. Use “Text to Text” or “Text to World” connection. Focus on the context: details that come before and after, and how this affects the meaning.
When you assess… Interpretation: It takes up the last half of the paragraph, it makes a comparison between the quote and another story, or uses one of the other methods. (Look for transitional words. Each part is limited to its section of the paragraph. Share your document with another student. When you read your partner’s paper check for: Topic sentence, it clearly and concisely states what the paragraph will show. Context: Uses transitional words which are appropriate to setting context. Evidence: It is a quote, fits the topic sentence, has a page number. Grade it: Assign a point for each bullet the paragraph completes. Put this in a comment at the end. You are being graded on the accuracy of your assessment.
Upload to Google Classroom… Go to classroom.google.com Log in with School Email if required. Click the plus (+) sign in top right of screen to join a class. Use the class code lzc4ui to access class. Use the stream to complete assignments. Upload file to the assignment (icon on lower left of assignment box. ) Make sure to click the “Turn-In button when done.