Welcome to our Online Business Forum Welcome to our Online Business Forum. It is with great pleasure to present our 2015 year-end results. Financial Report Presented by: Mary Nguyen
Statement of Activities For the Year Ended December 31, 2015 Income Total Membership Income $109,139 Mission Co-Op (Net of expenses) $ 51,776 Mission Congress (Net of expenses) $ 30,000 Grants and Contributions $ 18,509 Combined Federal Campaign $ 16,209 Interest and Dividends $ 8,550 Total Income $234,183 Let’s take a look at our Statement of Activities which is known as our Income Statement. Our income comes from a variety of sources…Of the $234,183 in 2015, 81% of that income came from Mission Co-Op (net expenses), Mission Congress (net expenses), and Membership Income. The Combined Federal Campaign accounted for 7% of the total income.
Statement of Activities For the Year Ended December 31, 2015 Expenses Total ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES Salaries $167,351 Benefits (Health, Pension, FICA) $ 41,908 Board of Directors $ 1,203 Total Administrative Expenses $210,462 ACTIVITY EXPENSES Partnership Conferences and Meetings $ 2,919 Mission Update and Publications $ 1,143 Website and Social Communication $ 835 Professional Exps (including Auditor) $ 5,942 Staff Development $ 655 Development Expenses $ 1,580 Total Activity Expenses $ 13,074 OFFICE EXPENSES Rent $ 21,976 Supplies $ 566 Equipment Purchase and Depreciation $ 5,674 Equipment Rental and Maintenance $ 3,387 Telecommunications $ 3,414 Postage and Printing $ 1,644 Staff Meetings, Hospitality, and Memberships $ 1,118 Insurance and Fees $ 2,111 Total Office Expenses $ 39,890 Here is our overall operational expenses incurred to support our organization’s mission. These expenditures are defined in 3 functional categories which you will see here are our Administrative, Activity, and Office Expenses. USCMA had $263,426 in Total Expenses during 2015. These expenses consisted of Administrative Expenses, Activity Expenses, and Office Expenses. Administrative expenses: Almost 80% of the Total Expenses were Administrative Expenses. The largest Administrative expense was Salaries and Benefits, which was slightly over $209K. Activity Expenses: Includes Partnership Conferences, Advertising, Travel, Mission Update and Publications accounted for just over 1% of the Total Expenses of $263,426. Office Expenses: were just under 16% of USCMA’s Total Expenses of $263,426.
Statement of Activities For the Year Ended December 31, 2015 Income and Expense Summary Total Income $234,183 Total Expenses $263,426 Net Surplus/(Deficit) ($ 29,243) Capital Loss on Investments ($ 16,169) Net Loss ($ 45,413) So in 2015, USCMA had a net loss of $45,413. The total income was $234,183 less the total expenses of $263,426 equals $45,413. The Board approved a deficit budget of $67,401 for 2015. Due to small amount of extra revenue and large reduction in budgeted expenses, the expected deficit of income less expenses was $29,243; half the anticipated deficit. Initially we had anticipated operating at a loss of $67,401. So in actuality, we ended the year with a net loss of $45,413 when we included the unrealized loss of investment into account. 2015 was a bad year for our investments. Bottom line. We budgeted a deficit for the year. We reduced that deficit by 48.42%.
Any questions? Comments are welcome Contact Info: Mary Nguyen @ 202.832.3112
This concludes our prepared remarks This concludes our prepared remarks. I would like to say thank you to our members for your continued support will help us in supporting our mission. It is much appreciated. And thank you all for joining us.