Augustana College Personal Transportation Vehicles (PTV) Training Gators, GEMs, Golf Carts etc.
Carts vs. cars… what’s the difference? Carts roll easier Carts always operate near pedestrians Carts run silently Other motor vehicles have the right-of-way
Carts vs. Cars… Center of gravity is lower than most vehicles Speed limit is MUCH lower: 10 - 20 mph In a collision – the cart ALWAYS loses!
Guidelines for Use of PTVs: ALL users must have a current/valid driver’s license in possession. Anyone using a PTV must be trained First! Never allow an untrained person to operate the PTV. Drivers must be 18 years of age or older. ALL employees operating carts must comply with all traffic laws. Employees are responsible for understanding and complying with the manufacturer’s operating recommendations.
Speed Limits Operators must take conditions into account The speed limit for carts is 20 mph. Operators must take conditions into account and drive slower under the following conditions: Slippery sidewalks or other surfaces Heavy pedestrian traffic Reduced visibility due to weather Approaching intersections and/or blind spots.
Read All Warning Labels
Driving Tips Driver and passengers are expected to keep hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times. Drivers are responsible for the safety of passengers. No more occupants than the number of seats. No sitting on tailgates.
Operating Equipment 3 2 1 1. Accelerator Pedal 2. Brake Pedal 3. Parking Brake 3 2 1
Insurance & Accident Reporting Liability insurance is provided by EIIA. Accidents should be reported immediately to Public Safety by calling Ext. 7711. In case of emergency call 911. The employee responsible for the vehicle may be personally liable for the entire loss if it has been determined they violated policy or allowed an unauthorized individual to operate the PTV.
Pre-Driving Instructions/Checklist Operators shall perform a pre-operational check: Lights, brakes, back-up alarm, hazard light, horn, tire pressure… Refer to the owner’s manual for more information or partner with facilities regarding questions. Cart must be at a complete stop before switching gears. PTVs should not be parked on sidewalks. Headlights must be turned on at dusk and when it is raining or snowing. Use extreme caution crossing streets and intersections. The intersection of 38th St. and 7th Ave. is especially dangerous as line of sight for traffic turning right onto 7th Ave. may be obstructed by other traffic. They may not see you crossing the intersection! Utilize horn for emergency purposes only.
PTV Safety Guidelines Obey ALL traffic signs. Do not exceed cart weight capacity. Sudden stops or changes in direction may result in loss of control. Avoid tipping over – drive straight up or down a slope. Always remain seated. Slow down before and during turns. Reduce speed; use extra care in inclement weather.
Pedestrian Guidelines Pedestrians have the right of way. Drive slowly. Avoid driving around people when possible. Avoid driving on the grass unless necessary. Never attempt to move pedestrians through intimidation. If an operator can’t predict the actions of a pedestrian, he/she must stop the cart.
Leaving the Vehicle Do not dismount vehicle before it has come to a complete stop Engage the brake Turn off the engine Take the key Lock the vehicle if possible.
Supervisor Accountability Ensure all operators receive training. Keep documentation to show this has been done. Take disciplinary action against operators who fail to comply with the Augustana PTV Policy.
Other Considerations Never do anything that distracts you from operating the PTV! Such as: Operating radios, iPods, etc. Cell Phones Eating/Drinking Smoking Reading Do not park carts in a way that blocks emergency exits, doors, stairs, sidewalks, fire lanes, fire hydrants, handicap ramps. No horse play or reckless behavior!
Transporting Loads Keep load inside the confines of the bed to avoid catching load on outside obstacles or persons. Be concerned with load shifting especially when transporting different types of materials. Know where your center of gravity is located. Where you normally travel safely empty; you may tip over with an unbalanced load.
Summary When used properly, PTVs can be Safely Operated. PTVs deserve the same level of care and respect as any other vehicle. Drivers are responsible for following the Augustana PTV Policy and maybe held personally liable for not doing so. Drivers are responsible for the safety of their passengers. Report all accidents immediately.
Driver Certification (PTV Training Completion Record) To Complete the certification process the Driver and Supervisor must complete the Augustana PTV Training Completion Record and return it to the Facilities Office in Sorensen Hall along with a copy of their drivers license. This document must be completed prior to using any campus PTV. Please use the link below to access the certification form. (PTV Training Completion Record) Please direct all questions to Facilities Services at Ext. 7278