Pathways to FAMS Designation Daryl Ward, Ph.D. Principal, Harrison School for the Arts, FAMS Consultant Julie Hebert, FAAE Executive Director
A Little Fams History… In 2012, the Florida Department of Education identified the Florida Alliance for Arts Education to lead the development of a Comprehensive Plan for a merged statewide school arts recognition program to coordinate current recognition programs, Arts Achieve! Model Schools, Music Demonstration Schools, and Visual Arts Demonstration Schools, into a single program. The new program would also include recognition for dance and theatre programs.
FAMS Purpose Identify excellence in arts education programs throughout Florida Designees serve as models to other teachers and school administrators seeking to improve and enhance their arts education programs. Schools and classrooms selected for this recognition will be open to visitors and will collaborate in providing professional development opportunities to others throughout the state.
FAMS Partners
FAMS Designation Expectations Mentor a Rural and/or Underserved School in the development or enhancement of arts programs in the FAMS Partnership Program. Open your school for requested visits from other schools or state personnel. Daryl
FAMS Designation Benefits Three-Year Designation: 2016-2019 Designation announced via e-blast from the Department of Education to all Florida schools Recognition on the FAAE Web Site FAMS awards presented at the 2016 FAAE Leadership Summit Awards Luncheon Professional development opportunities FAMS Recognition Funds for Support of a Partnership Plan Daryl
FAMS application Web-Based Application Includes Responses to Six Critical Success Factors Leadership Highly Qualified and Effective Arts Teachers Curriculum Facilities, Equipment, and Scheduling Community Connection School Culture Daryl
Critical Success Factor 1: Leadership District Supervisor Letter of Endorsement School Administrator Interview Daryl
Critical Success Factor 2: Highly Qualified and Effective Arts Teachers Arts Teachers’ Florida Teaching Certificate Numbers Arts Teachers’ Written Self-Reflections Arts Teachers’ Instructional Videos Arts Teachers’ Lesson Plans (to accompany videos) Daryl
Critical Success Factor 3: Curriculum Curriculum Plan or Pacing Guide Arts Courses and Course Code Numbers Examples of Student Work Arts for All Assurances Substantiating Student Mastery of Arts Benchmarks Student Performances, Exhibits, and/or Achievements Daryl
Critical Success Factor 4: Facilities, equipment, and scheduling Arts Facilities Images with Description or Narrated Video Tour Arts Equipment Arts Schedule Image of Schedule with Narrative Description Daryl
Critical Success Factor 5: Community Connection Description of Community Connections Community Letters of Support Description of Mentorship Opportunities and Benefits Daryl
Critical Success Factor 6: School Culture School Perceptions of the Arts Official School Arts Policies Focus Groups Surveys 4-6 Students (4th/5th grade only at elementary level) 4-6 Parents 4-6 Non-Arts Teachers Daryl
FAMS Application Review Team of nine arts expert reviewers One elementary and one secondary dance experts identified by FDEO One elementary and one secondary music experts identified by FMEA One elementary and one secondary theatre experts identified by FATE One elementary and one secondary visual art experts identified by FAEA One K-12 general knowledge expert identified by FAAE. Daryl
FAMS Application Review Reviewer Training Administrative Interviews Individual Reviews using the FAMS Rubric Daryl
FAMS Designations FAAE will tabulate total scores. FAAE will recommend schools for FAMS Designation to the FLDOE. DOE will review recommendations for approval. 2016 FAMS Designees will be announced in March of 2016. Daryl
My School Earned FAMS Designation! Now What? FAAE will pair each FAMS Designee with a Rural and/or Underserved Partner School. FAMS and Partner Training and Planning June 23-24, 2016 – Daytona Beach FAMS Recognition Luncheon June 25, 2016 – Daytona Beach Daryl
FAMS Recognition Funds YEAR 1 Up to $2000.00. $500.00/Arts Discipline Earning FAMS Designation Year 2 $150.00 (confirm with DOE) Year 3 Daryl
FAMS Recognition Funds Annual Payments Payment 1 By October 1 of each year in the designation period. Payment 2 By February 1 of each year in the designation period. Daryl
FAMS Partnership Planning Additional Grant Funding will support attendance at the 2016 FAAE Summit. Registration Fees for two staff/FAMS Registration Fees for two staff/partner school Mileage expenses for one car/FAMS Mileage expenses for one car/partner school Two nights hotel accommodations for two staff/FAMS Two nights hotel accommodations for two staff/partner school. Daryl
FAMS Partnership Planning Two Training Sessions during the FAAE Summit Four Planning Sessions during the FAAE Summit Completed Budget Due at end of the Summit Completed Partnership Plan Due at the end of the Summit Daryl
Apply for FAMS Designation The 2016 FAMS Application period will open October 7, 2015 The 2016 FAMS Application period will close January 30, 2016 Apply Online Daryl