Data Entry Format 2017
Goals We had several goals that drove changes to the questionnaire format. Allow for real time tracking of completion status of questionnaire Compare this year’s answers to previous year’s while compiling the data Show data validation graphs comparing this year to previous years Eliminate multiple data entry (in Excel and Novi) Eliminate differences between Excel and Novi questionnaires Make distribution to SMEs easier
Results In the end we decided to return to an Excel based data collection and data entry form that can be shared either through 1QC’s SharePoint server or on your company’s SharePoint server. Let’s examine the parts…
Questions & Answers OLD Aside from the additional historical information, the biggest change to the questionnaire is the removal of the matrixes. Each column in a matrix is now it’s own question.
Historical Data The removal of matrixes was necessary to be able to report your historical data next to the columns for the new data. For the first year, we are not allowing edits to past year’s data in this sheet. If you have data changes to previous year’s let us know and we’ll update the master database. You may have the ability to edit it yourselves in future years. Blue shading indicates question information. Green shading indicates an editable data entry field. Orange shading is used for totals and important validation information.
Assignment & source For each question you’ll be able to: Assign to a specific person for data collection (it can be filtered) Keep track of who actually provided the data Show when data was entered Track where the data came from Enter any additional comments (like how it was calculated)
Validation There will be two forms of data validation built in: One compares the pieces to the total…% of total that is Labor, % of total that is Materials…so that you can see if that changed from previous years. The other is a graph showing the totals for each year and how they’ve changed.
Tracking The tracking sheet shows you which questions were answered (and what percent of the question was filled in). Whether or not profile questions were answered. Which questions were marked N/A. The only information you need to populate on this tab is the “date requested” column. (We chose this method so that you could enter a date requested for a whole section or the whole questionnaire quickly and easily.)
Glossary The glossary is built in, with links at the question to the specific glossary term.
Print setup If you want to print just a portion of the spreadsheet, here are some steps to make that easier. From the File menu, select Page Setup. From the Page tab, select “Landscape” From the Sheet tab, select “Over, then down”
Printing Highlight the area of the spreadsheet you want to print. From the Print dialog box, select “Show Details” On the new screen, select “Selection” from the Print menu.
Track source & completion Process Issue Questionnaire Assign SMEs Share on Server Track source & completion Check Validation Return to 1QC 1QC has populated the questionnaire with your historical data. The coordinator should go through and make assignments for who should complete each question. The questionnaire can be shared on a server (yours or ours) and invitations sent to your SMEs. Instruct SMEs to track where they got the data and how they calculated it. As they enter data, they should also enter a date. The coordinator should keep track of whether data is being entered and continue to reach out to SMEs who have not completed their assignments. The coordinator should also review the data validation options to identify any problems. On each due date, the coordinator should send 1QC a copy of their completed questionnaire. Your data steward will review your file for data validation issues. 1QC will publish a report within 2 days of the due date.
Data Collection Options The questionnaire process will work best if it can be shared from a server (rather than distributed to multiple people). If you don’t have a SharePoint (or other) server that this can be shared on, we’ll use ours. Delivery Options Distribute Submit 1 Put questionnaire (Excel file) on your own server; use SharePoint or similar Send link to SMEs that gives them access to enter their own data as it’s collected Send 1QC the questionnaire when the deadline arrives 2 Receive link to questionnaire residing on 1QC server 1QC will invite SMEs to the questionnaire so that they can enter data 1QC will download the completed file at the deadlines 3 Receive questionnaire and put on your desktop Distribute individual questions / sections to SMEs Manually enter received data into the copy on your desktop; submit to 1QC on deadline IMPORTANT: if you use one of the shared methods for data collection. Each person who is accessing the file must select the option to EDIT the file on the SERVER. If they choose to edit the file on their own computer, they will be responsible for getting the answers back to your coordinator.
Link If files are shared through a SharePoint server, SMEs will receive an email from your coordinator or Debi Cook that look like… You should not need to sign in to access your file. If you’re asked to sign in, please notify Debi ASAP so she can correct it.
Least favorable option If for some reason you have to send multiple copies of the questionnaire out for data entry, you’ll need to arrange to have the answers all populated into one file for return to 1QC. This ensures: That you (the coordinator) have a master copy to review. That 1QC gets all of the data for populating reports and profiles.
Holding Company Options For Holding companies: We will provide you with files with a tab for each OpCo that contains their historical data. We will also provide you with a master sheet for rolled up answers. You have a choice: You can choose to enter data for each OpCo in their own tab and immediately see comparisons to their historical data. If you enter at the OpCo level it will roll up to the master tab. You can enter data in the master tab and it will roll down to the OpCo level. You need to let us know which direction you want the data to flow. We’ll work with you individually on how to handle this.
Available Tools and Resources Available online will be: Data Collection Guide - aid you in answering the questions Customer Service Glossary - aid in defining terms Data Collection Webinars (posted after they occur in April) Data Entry Instructions Go to our Website at:
Thank You for Your Input and Participation! Your Presenters Ken Buckstaff 310-922-0783 Debi Cook 760-272-7277 Gene Dimitrov 301-535-0590 Rob Earle 315-944-7610 About 1QC First Quartile Consulting is a utility-focused consultancy providing a full range of consulting services including benchmarking, continuous process improvement, change management, leadership alignment, regulatory support and more. Our goal is to provide our clients with accurate and timely information that supports decision making. We bring industry insights and a proven process that assesses and optimizes your resources, processes, leadership management and technology to align your business needs with your customer’s needs. Visit us at | Follow our updates on LinkedIn