Low-Level Radioactive Waste Forum Spring 2016 Meeting – Park City, UT April 13, 2016 Utah Activities Update Don Verbica LLRW Program Manager
Agency Reorganization On July 1, 2015 Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control created by consolidating Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste Division of Radiation Control Waste Management and Radiation Control Board also created
Agency Reorganization
Waste Management & Radiation Control Board DEQ Executive Director Utah-licensed PE not connected with industry Non-Federal Government Representative Manufacturing, Mining, or Fuel Industry Private Solid of Hazardous Waste Disposal Industry Private Hazardous Waste Recovery Industry Radioactive Waste Management Industry Uranium Milling Industry Medical Doctor or Dentist Representative of Environmental non-Governmental Organization or non-Governmental that Represents Community Interests Medical or Health Physicist or Professional Employed in Field of Radiation Safety
IMPEP Review July 27- 31, 2015 the new Division had an Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation Program (IMPEP) review. The final report was issued on December 10, 2015 with the result that the Non-Common Performance Indicator was found unsatisfactory. The IMPEP report indicated that legislation passed in the 2015 General Session had three issues. It limited financial assurance coverage for commercial radioactive waste treatment and disposal facility to the landfill embankments where waste was disposed. Allowed the licensee to update financial assurance requirements annually without a detailed review by the Division to assure that sufficient funds are available for completion of site closure. The Division Director’s inspection authority could be interpreted to cover areas outside of the Division’s authority. The NRC is planning on a periodic evaluation this July with the Division and a follow-up IMPEP in July 2017.
Launched in 1991 with the start of DEQ Utah DEQ Rebranding Launched – November 2015 Department-wide visual ID 21st Century “Q” 20th Century “Q” Launched in 1991 with the start of DEQ Division-specific visual ID The work we do every day is crucial. By protecting our environment in a responsible, thoughtful way, we improve the health and quality of life of all Utahns. We want to convey this message more effectively. As changes in the media landscape and message-weary audiences are making it much harder for the same message to get through, we seek to accelerate our current communication effectiveness by refreshing our "brand."
Utah Legislation – 2016 General Session S.B. 231, Waste Management Amendments Modifies the Radiation Control Act: Clarifies revisions made during 2015 General Session to address compatibility concerns raised by the NRC Defines “unlicensed facility” Modifies financial assurance requirements for licensed and unlicensed areas of a LLRW disposal facility Final legislative action delayed until 2017 General Session
Utah Law – Financial Assurance Adequacy UCA §19-1-307 – Applies to Commercial HW & LLRW Management Facilities Requires WMRC Board to evaluate every 5 years adequacy of financial assurance for: Closure and Post-Closure (HW) Need for Perpetual Care (HW) Closure, Post-Closure, and Perpetual Care (LLRW) Reports are submitted to the Legislative Management Committee and are due by October 1 Initial report issued in 2006 with first update completed in 2011 Next update is due by October 1, 2016 Initial draft prepared WMRC Board to review and approve
Utah Law – Financial Assurance Adequacy Is the financial assurance required adequate to provide for closure and post-closure? Is there adequate funding for perpetual care and maintenance of commercial radioactive waste treatment and disposal facilities? What would be the costs for reasonable risks such as groundwater corrective action, differential settlement failure, or major maintenance of a cell or cells.
EnergySolutions Activities LLRW Evaluation of Performance Assessments Erwin ResinSolutions (SempraSafe) evaluation Depleted Uranium Schedule Web site http://www.deq.utah.gov/businesses/E/EnSolutions/depleteduranium/performassess/index.htm Seale Source license amendment License renewal LLRW DISPOSAL
EnergySolutions Activities LLRW Oversight Containerized waste Various site operation changes Groundwater Permit Amendments LLRW DISPOSAL
EnergySolutions Activities 11e.(2) Byproduct Material License renewal Implementation of additional public participation procedures required by § 274 (o) AEA (42 USC 2021 (o)) DOE long-term stewardship 11e.(2) Byproduct Disposal
EnergySolutions Activities Mixed Waste Permit is ready for renewal EPA had some questions on Macro encapsulation in the landfill cell that is in the process of being resolved before the permit is renewed. Mixed Waste Disposal
Contact Information Don Verbica LLRW Program Manager Utah Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control Utah Department of Environmental Quality (801) 536-0206 dverbica@utah.gov