Humanities & Human Services George County High School Humanities & Human Services
Benefits of the Pathway Program Career Academies make the connection to college and a career. Students can choose a pathway early, getting a great education and developing a skill. Students can earn industry certifications while in high school which makes them more valuable in the workforce. Career Academies make learning fun and relevant to a student’s future. The global economy of today requires students that have new academic talents and workplace skills. Career Academies provide meaningful education reform through cohort scheduling, academic and technical integration, and connections with business and industry. Career Academies effectively connect students to college and careers and improve their achievements in the classroom.
Career Academies are making a difference in the community by preparing students to be future leaders who are academically talented and driven to solve the most challenging issues facing our community.
HHS Academy Public Services Health Sciences Humanities Teacher Academy Public Services Health Sciences Humanities Law & Public Safety
Teacher Academy Course Description The program is designed to attract students to the field of education. The curriculum includes classroom and hands-on activities with experienced teachers and mentors working in various grade levels and areas of education. This course prepares students for continuing their education at the university level and future employment in the field of education.
Careers Associated with Teacher Academy Child Care Worker Child, family or school social worker Director of childcare facility Preschool, elementary, high school, or higher education teacher/professor Principal School Counselor Coach Band Director
Teacher Academy Pics
Health Sciences Course Description This program includes not only classroom instruction but hands-on experiences at various types of medical facilities in the local community. Students are provided opportunities to observe and assist medical professionals and are exposed to all the different careers in the health-care field. This class prepares students for continuing their education at the university level and future employment in the field of health-care.
Careers Associated with Health Sciences Nurse/Physician Dentist/Orthodontist/Dental Assistant Hospital Administrator Nutritionist/Health Coach Physical Therapy/Physical Therapy Assistant Occupational Therapy/ Occupational Therapy Asst. Phlebotomist/Medical Lab Technician Veterinarian/ Veterinarian Assistant Athletic Trainer
Health Sciences Pics
Law & Public Safety Course Description The program focuses on the history of law and legal systems in the United States. Students will be introduced to the emergency services found in local communities. They will focus on corrections in our state, specifically how jails and prisons function. Students will examine the daily tasks and responsibilities of the professionals in the field. The program will offer students the opportunity to examine all areas of the military and the professions associated with each branch. In addition, students will learn about emergency management and workplace skills and will have meaningful, relevant job-shadowing experiences with professionals.
Careers Associated with Law & Public Safety Attorney/Lawyer, Judge Law Enforcement- Police, FBI, CIA….. Fire Fighter Rescue Worker Game Warden, Park Ranger, Recreation Forensics Coast Guard Military – Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, etc.
Law & Public Safety Pics
Humanities Courses Offered: Spanish II Spanish III College Spanish Oral Communications Debate Psychology/Sociology Journalism
Careers Associated with Humanities Pathway Teacher Lawyer Psychologist Media Writer Newspaper Journalist Blogger
Humanities Courses Offered: Spanish II Spanish III College Spanish Oral Communications Debate Psychology/Sociology Journalism
Public Services Course Description The curriculum is designed to promote personal development and citizenship. We promote and inspire values like Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity and Personal Courage that promotes personal development and leadership in order to become better citizens.
Careers Associated with Public Services Government (local, state, and federal) Non-government organizations (NGOs) Nonprofits (public and private) Education (K-12 and universities)