Ene-47.5130 Process Integration, Simulation and Optimization P COURSE ARRANGEMENTS Fall 2016 Timo Laukkanen
Points Exam 75 points Home Assignment 15 points, At least 1 point needed to get a right to take the exam Exercises 2 points each, max. 10 points Participation enough (attending for at least 45 minutes), no written material needs to be returned SUM= max. 100 Points
Lectures (Timo Laukkanen) 14.9.2016, We 14:15-17:00, K1 150 An introduction to process systems engineering and process integration pinch-technology Stream extraction Composite curves 28.9.2016, We 14:15-17:00, K1 150 pinch-technology continues Problem Table algorithm Grand composite curve Pinch violations Heat exchanger network design with pinch technology units targeting area targeting,stream grid presentation, network design Timo Laukkanen
Lectures (Timo Laukkanen) 12.10.2016, We 14:15-17:00, K1 150 Heat exchanger network synthesis with mathematical programming Utility targeting with a transshipment model Units targeting with an extended transshipment model 9.11.2016, We 14:15-17:00, K1 150 Heat exchanger network synthesis with mathematical programming continues Superstructure for area and network cost optimization with an nonlinear superstructure Simultaneous heat exchanger network synthesis- the Synheat model Timo Laukkanen
Lectures (Timo Laukkanen) 23.11.2016, We 14:15-17:00, K1 150 Heat exchanger network optimization with an interactive multiobjective optimization method Industrial experience on process integration or process synthesis of industrial utility systems Course SUMMARY Timo Laukkanen
Exercises (Mikko Kouhia, Thomas Kohl, Mohamed Magdeldin Abdelwahed Mohamed) 21.9.2016, We 14:15-17:00, Aalto main building U344 Composite curves 5.10.2016, We 14:15-17:00, Maarintalo MaariB Grand composite curves 19.10.2016, We 14:15-17:00, Maarintalo MaariB Transshipment model 2.11.2016, We 14:15-17:00, Maarintalo MaariB Extended transshipment model 16.11.2014, We 14:15-17:00, Maarintalo MaariB Cost optimization Timo Laukkanen
Home Assignment Can be done in a group (max 4 persons) Deadline: Monday 7.12.2016 23:59 Especially teacher Thomas Kohl, but also other teachers, will give advice Timo Laukkanen
Exams Wed 14 Dec 16 16:30-19:30 Tue 14 Feb 17 16:30-19:30 Fri 4 Apr 17 9:00-12:00 Timo Laukkanen