Skype for Business Cloud PBX User guide <presenter> Prepared for <customer>, <location>.
Agenda Cloud PBX Features PSTN Conferencing Call answer/initiate Call delegation and call on-behalf Call forwarding and simultaneous ringing Call history Call hold/retrieve Call transfer Camp On / tag for status change Voicemail PSTN Conferencing Changes that users needs to be aware of: Current pbx vs cloud pbx
Call answer Incoming calls are notified by small toast box. Answer incoming calls by clicking on the toast box. Caller’s number is displayed in the toast box. Caller’s name is displayed in the toast box if the caller information is saved in corporate directory.
Call initiate There are several ways to initiate calls, Use dial-pad and dial the number. Search for contact, hover over contact and click on the number that you want to call. (User’s mobile number or work phone)
Call delegation and call on-behalf Make or answer calls on behalf of a manager you support. Notifications make it clear to all participants when calls are being answered or made for someone else. Select options>Tools > Call Forwarding Settings. Add delegates using “Edit my delegate member” option.
Call delegation and call on-behalf Choose “My delegates” options under “simultaneously ring” or “forward my calls to” option. The delegates gets notification in their client. Rover over contact and make call on-behalf of delegated user.
Call forwarding and simultaneous ringing These features allow you to set up forwarding rules so your calls can go with you anywhere, and you can forward calls to colleagues or to voicemail. Select options>Tools > Call Forwarding Settings.
Call history Keep track of all your conversations in one place, whether those conversations are from IMs, phone calls, or impromptu and scheduled meetings. Conversations are recorded in your call history.
Call hold/retrieve Use when multiple calls occur at the same time. When you answer the next inbound call or place an outbound call, your current call goes on hold automatically.
Call transfer (blind) The feature allows user to Transfers calls to another person. While on a active call, Click the Call Controls button in the call window. Click Transfer, type the number & Click Transfer.
Call transfer (consult) While on a active call, use dial pad or contact list to make another call. The first call is automatically put on hold. Click the Call Controls button in the call window. Click Transfer, choose the current conversation & Click Transfer.
Camp On / tag for status change This feature allows you to tag people who are currently unavailable and get notified when their presence changes and they’re ready to take phone calls. To tag: Right-click the person's contact information and select Tag for Status Change Alerts. To un-tag: Note the checkmark next to Tag for Status Change Alerts. Click it to un-tag the contact
Voicemail User gets notified of their voice messages. Click the Phone tab to see your messages and the caller’s info. Right click on the voice message and click play in order to listen to voice message.
PSTN Conferencing Before attempting to make pstn conference ensure that the administrator has assigned the necessary license for you.
PSTN Conferencing Click on options>meet now. Click more option.
PSTN Conferencing Click meeting entry info. Note down the dial-in number and conference ID. Get meeting users to dial-in to the bridge using the number and conference Id.
Current pbx vs cloud pbx Feature Current PBX Cloud PBX PSTN Dial out Add prefix “9” before the PSTN number. Simply dial the PSTN number for National Calls. IDD Calls Add prefix “9001” before the IDD number Dial “+CountryCode+Number”. E.g. +91-4567-241111 Extension Dialing Reach by dialing 3 digit Extension Simply initiate Skype call from contacts or Dial 8 digit phone number. E.g. 63952000 Inter-Site Calling (if applicable) Need to dial the 8 digits DID number (63952000)
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