Rosary School Marj Elhamam 2016-2017 Second Induction Session IGCSE/GCE
Additional: Science, Math, English, French and IT Grades 11-12 Grades 9-10 A-Levels Grades 6-8 IGCSE Grades 1-5 National System & CS National System Additional: Science, Math, English, French and IT Current System
Changes Grades 11-12 Grades 9-10 A-Levels Grades 6-8 IGCSE Grades 1-5 National System & CS National System & CP Changes
CP (Primary programme) Preparation phase: Grades (3-6) External Exam / April of the scholastic year for 6th graders Diagnostic
CS (Lower Secondary Programme) Preparation phase: Grades 6-8 External Exam / October of the scholastic year for 8th graders Summative Classification (*)
System requirements Grades 9-10 Rosary School Marj Elhamam 9 IGCSE’S Ministry of Education 7 IGCSE’S Mandatory Subjects: Math, English, Arabic, Religious Culture, Environmental Science MOE Equivalency 6 IGCSE’S 2 Sciences 1 Arabic 3 Choices
System requirements Grades 11-12 MOE Equivalency Grade 11 Min 2 AS’s (If fully completed in A2 : Grade 12) Grade 12 2 Full A-Levels Or (1 Full A-Level and 2 AS’s (from Grade 11) Ministry of Education * Grade 11 3 AS’s Mandatory Subjects: Arabic, Religious Culture, English, History Grade 12 3 A-levels Rosary School Marj Elhamam Grade 11 MIN 3 AS’s Grade 12 MIN 2 A-Levels
Subjects offered by school up to 2017 IGCSE (O-Level) 9th & 10th Grade 9 Subjects: IAL (GCE A-Level) 11th & 12th Grade 5 Subjects: Arabic Biology Chemistry English (2nd Lang) French (Foreign) Human Biology ICT Mathematics Physics Biology Chemistry IT *** Mathematics Physics (Arabic) *** (Vocational for some Int. universities)
School System VS MOE Equivalency Requirements IGCSE Arabic Biology Chemistry English (2nd Lang) French (Foreign) Human Biology ICT Mathematics Physics A-LEVELS IT *** IGCSE/O-Levels 2 sciences 1 Arabic 3 Choices A-levels 2 Full A-Levels (Math/Physics Obligatory) OR 1 Full A-level +2 AS’s (Sciences) AS’S Biology Chemistry IT *** Mathematics Physics
Exam boards and exam sessions: CIE Pearson/Edexcel OCTOBER/NOVEMBER MAY/JUNE OCTOBER/NOVEMBER JANUARY MAY/JUNE *** Exam fees are not covered in the school fees (CIE) (PRSN)
Calculation of MOE Average Rosary Performance A*=98 A=95 B=85 C=75 D=65 E=55 Passing Grade in A-Levels ONLY
Admission to Universities Local Unified Admission Unit * «يمكن للطالب الأردني الحاصل على شهادة أجنبية مثل (الثقافة البريطانية G.C.E، البكالوريا الدولية، الثانوية الأمريكية ... أو ما يعادلها)، التقدم بطلب التحاق بالجامعات الأردنية الرسمية عن طريق وحدة تنسيق القبول الموحد، وبنفس الإجراءات المشار إليها أعلاه , من خلال الموقع الإلكتروني للوحدة , على أن يقوم بارسال نسخة من وثيقة معادلة شهادته الأجنبية الصادرة عن وزارة التربية والتعليم الأردنية حال صدورها إلى وحدة تنسيق القبول الموحد من خلال إحدى الوسائل المذكورة سابقاُ وذلك في الدورة الصيفية فقط, لب التحاقولا يحق لهم تقديم ط في الدورة الشتوية.» Parallel System (*) Private sector International Specific requirements per country Specific requirements per school of interest (*) (*) e.g. University of California Berkley Admission requirement/British system You must complete at least 5 IGCSE/GCSE/GCE O-Levels, and at least 3 academic GCE A-Level exams to be considered for admission. If your school offers both H1 and H2 A-Level exams, UC will only consider H2 A-Level exams.
A student’s path to success Excellent academic record (*) Talents Ability to think out of the box Benefits his society Commitment
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