Myths & Psychology Once viewed as mere superstition, myths are now widely considered to hold strong insight into the human psyche Psychoanalysis, anthropology, and archeological discovery have aided this belief
Joseph Campbell Leading expert on mythology, most famous for PBS series, The Power of Myth “Myths are public dreams, and dreams are private myths. Myths are vehicles of communication between the conscious and the unconscious, just as dreams are.”
Campbell’s 4 Functions of Myth Wakens a sense of awe and gratitude in the individual, rather than fear, for the universe and man’s existence within it. Offers an understandable image of the world and man’s place within it, roughly in accord with scientific knowledge of the time.
Campbell’s 4 Functions of Myth, continued 3. Support social order through rituals that will impress and mold the young. 4. Guides the individual, stage by stage, through the “inevitable psychological crises of a useful life: from childhood dependency through traumas of adolescence and trials of adulthood to, finally, the deathbed (most important in Campbell’s view).
Mythology in Modern Life Campbell asserts that, in the modern Western world, the “communication” that myths provide has broken down; people no longer believe in myths New myths have not been created to replace what is lost, therefore many people feel disoriented and lost; need guidance in life
Mythology in Modern Life, cont’d “Modern man has not outgrown mythology and will never outgrow it so long as he has hopes and fears beyond the other animals.”
Common Elements of Myth 1. Use of repetition for emphasis and ease of recall 2. Use of poetic devices such as alliteration personification metaphor and simile symbolism
Common Elements of Myth 3. Concern with strong connection between man and nature 4. Use of superhuman or supernatural beings or mythological creatures 5. Use of animals, with or without supernatural powers 6. Concern with numbers, often repeated; numbers are significant to culture Ex: According to the Bible, the earth was created in 7 days, that is why a week is 7 days
Common Elements of Myth 7. Use of “magical” details something is created out of nothing objects with special powers 8. Themes or repetition of birth and/or death 9. Female role in creation 10. Use of water, breath, darkness, and light.