Starter for 5! Give an example of a time when someone has been denied freedom of religion / freedom of religious expression. Give a Christian and a Muslim quote to show that everyone is equal. Give an example in Islam to show how women have a different role to men. According to the Christian creation story, how did God make Adam? Give three causes of crime.
Starter for 5! Give an example of a time when someone has been denied freedom of religion / freedom of religious expression. E.g. a woman in Nice was asked to remove her burkini. Give a Christian and a Muslim quote to show that everyone is equal. Christianity = ‘Christ is all, Christ is in all’ Islam = ‘Everyone is equal like the teeth of a comb’. Give an example in Islam to show how women have a different role to men. E.g. a woman’s role is in the home bringing up children and teaching them the basics of Islam. According to the Christian creation story, how did God make Adam? Out of the soil and breathed life into him. Give three causes of crime. Poverty, mental illness, upbringing, lack of education, greed…
Attitudes to Wealth Learning Objective: To enquire into the ways Christians should use their wealth I can explore the different ways of using wealth I can assess the impact of these different uses of wealth I can evaluate the importance of these practices
Getting us thinking… What does it mean to be rich? If I have pockets full of money, does that make me rich? Can students clearly define what being rich means? Verbally discuss this question. As an aid to thinking and clarity, ask them what being rich does not mean. This could be developed further with the question, “What should being rich mean?”
Applying this to our world… Is it right to let the rich get richer and the poor get poorer? According to the OECD (the Organisation for Economic Collaboration and Development), the gap between the richest and the poorest in the world is getting wider and wider. It claims that tax and benefit systems have become less effective at redistributing wealth. Should we take more from the rich and give more to the poor? Read out the slide and draw out, by explanation or questioning, what tax and benefits are. Discuss the first question together – you could either do a think, pair, share, or vote with your feet, or class count, or just discuss as a whole class. Then get students to write a personal opinion in their books on the second question: in order to solve the growing poverty gap we have, is it right to tax the rich more and consequently give more to the poor? (the underlying question is: is it right to tax the rich and give to the poor?) Source article:
Is having money a problem? “For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil” Watch up until 5:00 (the end of the Monopoly game study) with this question in the background – were the early church right in their negative view of the love of money? You could always watch the rest if there is time at the end because the guy goes on to some suggestions about what could be done to reverse or reduce the widening poverty gap.
What Christians do with their wealth… You are going to research into three ways that Christians use their wealth. You need to read the information and then make some conclusions from it about what good that teaching does when people live by it. Tithing to the Church Giving to the Poor Paying Taxes to the Government Give out the sheets (one each) and get them to read the information and draw conclusions about what impact each teaching has on lives. What good does following this teaching do for the individual, others, society overall? Draw out ideas whilst wandering around the class about worshipping God, the reward or punishment (heaven, hell), the general idea that doing good is what God wants. EXTENSION If you had the chance to rewrite the Christian teachings, would you either: Get rid of any of these? Change any of them in any way?
Attitudes to Wealth Learning Objective: To enquire into the ways Christians should use their wealth I can explore the different ways of using wealth I can assess the impact of these different uses of wealth I can evaluate the importance of these practices
Paying Taxes to the Government How important is each? Looking at the three ways Christians use their wealth, rank them from the most important to the least important. You must justify your reasons, not only saying why one is good but why it is better than the others. Tithing to the Church Giving to the Poor Paying Taxes to the Government EXTENSION If you had the chance to rewrite the Christian teachings, would you either: Get rid of any of these? Change any of them in any way?
Attitudes to Wealth Learning Objective: To enquire into the ways Christians should use their wealth I can explore the different ways of using wealth I can assess the impact of these different uses of wealth I can evaluate the importance of these practices
“If I were a Christian, I would…” Write a response in your book completing the following sentence: “If I were a Christian, I would…” Complete it using one of the following: I would follow… , because… However, I would not follow… , because… I would follow all of these teachings, because… However, I would feel less happy / unhappy about / less supportive of / unsure about etc Get students to say if they would obey all of the teachings we have looked into, or if they would go against some and not follow it, or if they would follow them all but deep down would resent or dislike having to obey one or more of the teachings.
Do we need rules to tell us what to do with our money? Final Evaluation Do we need rules to tell us what to do with our money? End with a final evaluation trying to include the key ideas from this lesson, i.e. taxes, tithing, benefits, giving. Would humans be or become more mean if they didn’t have rules to follow about how their money is used? Are Christians giving us a model way of living by tithing, giving to the poor and paying taxes? Use whichever discussion technique works for your class: vote with feet, post-it notes, 5 fingers (strength of opinion), random pairs (number everyone and pair up 1s and 2s etc), walk around and find one person who agrees and one person who disagrees. Not at all Absolutely
Attitudes to Wealth Learning Objective: To enquire into the ways Christians should use their wealth I can explore the different ways of using wealth I can assess the impact of these different uses of wealth I can evaluate the importance of these practices