Welcome! Your role is one of great responsibility! You will present to the Provisionals their first impression of JA!
ROLE OF THE PROVISIONAL TRAINER Be enthusiastic! Present a positive overview of your Chapter’s work. Emphasize the strengths and minimize your Chapter’s weaknesses and instill in them the desire to improve weak areas as an active.
ROLE OF THE PROVISIONAL TRAINER Make them feel important for themselves and the group. Show respect for their time by being organized and early for every meeting. Be honest of your Chapter’s expectations of them.
ROLE OF THE PROVISIONAL TRAINER Instill in them the pride in being a member of your Chapter and NAJA. Provide ownership in the Chapter through involvement, inclusion, and commitment.
BEFORE TRAINING BEGINS Read through the manual and last year’s Provisional evaluations. Familiarize yourself with the Provisional Training outline (p. 5-8) Plan several Provisional meetings during their training instead of one full day of training.
BEFORE TRAINING BEGINS Prepare a calendar of all meetings to be distributed to Provisionals. Enlist an assistant trainer if necessary. Order supplies from NAJA Headquarters (allowing 2 weeks for delivery). Prepare all materials and notebooks.
BEFORE TRAINING BEGINS Consider pairing an active member with a provisional member (JA Buddy). Plan first Provisional meeting and notify all members. Consider members of the chapter to teach different sections of material for training.
Lets now divide into teams to complete the scavenger hunt!. First team to correctly complete the scavenger hunt wins!! All answers to the scavenger hunt can be found in your Provisional Training Manual.
Mail membership cards within 30 days to NAJA Headquarters. KEY POINTS TO REMEMBER Mail membership cards within 30 days to NAJA Headquarters. Have Provisionals complete an evaluation. Complete the current year’s Provisional Trainer’s Report.
“The Provisionals Guide to JA” is now available on the NAJA website. NEED MORE HELP? The NAJA Membership Committee has put together an additional guide to help Provisionals learn all about NAJA. “The Provisionals Guide to JA” is now available on the NAJA website.
What questions do you have? What ideas or suggestions do you have? QUESTIONS & ANSWERS What questions do you have? What ideas or suggestions do you have? What are your concerns? What now??
NAJA MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE Presenters: Janis Bunting, Ashley Johnson, Debbie Jones, Kristi Prince, and Kristen Savage NAJA Membership Chair: 2015-16—Kristen Savage,