Today we are going to work on building skills that will be important to your success in class this year! Collaboration Work Habits Creativity Communication What do these words mean to you? Why are they important for students’ and a class’s success?
Scavenger Hunt When we move around the room, we do so CALMLY and QUIETLY. The bell brings us back!
Quick Draw! Mizz Weed will tell you what you are supposed to draw! Draw it SILENTLY. You cannot tell your group what it is! You cannot write any words, only drawing! You can draw many things to help your table mates guess! Whoever gets the guess correct must come up to Mizz Weed for the NEXT THING TO DRAW! It’s their turn now!
Think-ink-pair-share Number your paper. Jot down your ideas and answers to these questions, any way you like. Was there a leader on your team? Who was it and who decided who the leader would be? Did you feel everyone’s ideas were well received during the activity? Why/why not? What does collaboration look like and sound like? What worked well and did not work well for your group? Do you think your group worked well together? Why or why not?