Welcome! Sign in on the attendance sheet. Grab some pizza! 1 Point Meetings 2 Points MSO Event, E-Week, bring female friend to meeting 3 Points Attend social/community service event, attend mentor/mentee event, wear SWE tshirt to meeting/event 4 Points HSO Event, bring male friend to meeting 5 Points Fundraising, buying SWE spiritwear, signing up/renewing national membership 6 Points Attending Regional Conference 8 Points Attending Annual Conference
Society of Women Engineers January 20th 744 Baldwin 6-7 PM
Social & Community Service Events Kelly Cooper: coopeky@mail.uc.edu Social Events! Bowling Attend UC sporting event Campus scavenger hunt Zoo trip Cincinnati Art Museum Hiking/picnic Spa Day Trip to the movies Community Service! ITN Greater Cincinnati Bearcat Buddies 5K Race/Walk Helping out @ Animal Shelter Volunteer @ Soup Kitchen
Public Relations Officer Juanita Dickhaus: dickhajm@mail.uc.edu
E-Week/Banquet Officer Amanda Breeden: breedeam@mail.uc.edu Banquet Intern Needed! Design flyers/brochures Create E-mails Finalize Details Email or call (440-781-1523) if interested Banquet Dinner Great networking! April 18th 6 PM Survey monkey will be sent in minutes
E Week! E Week 2-3 events a day February 21st - 27th Need 9 people to sign up PRIZES
SWEetheart Officer Hannah Grossman: grossmhe@mail.uc.edu SWEetheart Pageant (previously Mr. Engineer) Become part of the team! Recruit contestants Design posters Decorations Run Audio/PPTs Sell snacks Laugh & have fun with friends! E-mail Hannah if interested
Middle School Outreach Sid Stacy & Marie Steveknot uc.swe.msoutreach@gmail.com
Christina Ahting & Natasha Sutton: uc.swe.hsoutreach@gmail.com High School Outreach Christina Ahting & Natasha Sutton: uc.swe.hsoutreach@gmail.com
Morgan Beer: beerme@mail.uc.edu Fundraising Morgan Beer: beerme@mail.uc.edu T-Shirt Sales Contact Morgan Beer (513-260-9176) or Elizabeth Sheetz (513-587-9985)
Regional Conference Volunteers Regional Conference Feb 5-6th Need volunteers for various activities Registration on Friday night & Saturday 8 AM – 5 PM Direction givers Setting up & direction companies for career fair Directing speaker sessions/testing technology Decorating Clean up Sign up will be in minutes!! Not Cincinnatus hours but great networking!
Join us for our next meeting! Monday, February 1st Location TBA 6-7 PM
Become a Society Member Open up your browser and go to swe.org Select Membership > Select Join Select Become a Member Login if you already have an account Create your account and fill out required information Select the type of membership you would like to purchase "Collegiate to Career" is the first option for $50. This allows you to be a member for your entire college career (undergraduate and graduate) and your first year as a professional. This option is highly recommended. "New Collegiate" membership is for $20 and it allows you to be a member for one year of college. Select G053 - University of Cincinnati for the chapter/section and then click continue. Fill out your payment information. Submit your order. You will receive an email confirming your membership.