Japanese I: Integrated Activities 日本語1:総合(そうごう)
Today’s Agenda Orientation: about the class Practice using what you’ve learned Integrated activities
What have you learned so far this week? Hiragana Greetings Basic overall intro. Japanese Integrated Activities
Today’s Basic Dialogue You: ( ), watashi no namae wa ________ desu. _______kara kimashita. Hiragana wo benkyo shiteimasu. Sumimasen ga onamae wo oshiete kudasai. Person 1: Watashi no namae wa Kashima Takuya desu. You: こんにちは。わたしの なまえは___です。___から きました。ひらがなを べんきょう しています。 すみませんがおなまえをおしえ てください。 Person 1: わたしの なまえは かしま たくや です。 You: Hello, my name is _____. I’m from _____. I’m studying Hiragana. Excuse me but would you tell me your name? Person 1: Sure! My name is Takuya Kashima
Activity 1 1. Please go out and find a few Japanese people on campus Need to take the Hiragana chart, pen, worksheet, and something to write on. 1. Please go out and find a few Japanese people on campus 2. Practice the dialogue you leaned 3. Write down people’s names you’ve talked in Hiragana
Activity 2: Scavenger Hunt Outside of the classroom Find Hiragana-only words Write them down as many as possible Count how many you’ve collected Back in classroom
Activity 3 Share your experience: How was your excursion? Introduce people’s name you interviewed Count how many Hiragana words you collected Find out what those mean (Use your dictionary!)
Homework Assignments Review Find 10 more Hiragana words and write them down the English translation (meaning) If you don’t have 10 words, please find some more to make 10 words. Access to the class website and upload your choice of useful Japanese learning web address to share in the ”Discussion” Section on Week 1 Practice writing and reading Hiragana and master it Preview Read p.p.38-57 again Katakana and number *Preview 1 and 2 are graded.