Bioinformatics Overview Bioinformatics is the application of information technology to the management of biological data. Bioinformaticians understand biological problems and computational solutions to produce useful tools.
Bioinformatics Outline Molecular Biology Data Searches Substitution Patterns Phylogenetics Genomics Protein and DNA Structure Prediction Proteomics
Bioinformatics Outline Perl Bioinformatics tools
Molecular Biology Genetic material Gene structure Protein structure Molecular biology tools Genomic information
Data Searches Dot plots Alignments Scoring matrices Dynamic programming Global and local alignments Multiple sequence alignments Database searches
Substitution Patterns Patterns of substitutions with Genes Substitution numbers Variations in Evolutionary rates Molecular clocks
Phylogenetics Molecular phylogenetics Phylogenetic trees Distance matrix methods Maximum likelihood approaches Multiple sequence alignments
Phylogenetics Parsimony Inferred ancestral sequences Faster searches Consensus trees Tree confidence Molecular phylogenies
Genomics Prokaryotic genomes Prokaryotic gene structure GC content Prokaryotic gene density
Genomics Eukaryotic gene structure Open reading frames GC content Gene expression Transposition Eukaryotic gene density
Protein and DNA Structure Prediction Amino acids Polypeptide composition Secondary structure Tertiary and quaternary structure Modeling protein folding Structure prediction
Proteomics Protein classification Experimental techniques Inhibitors and drug design Empirical methods NMR structure Post-translational modification prediction
Perl for Bioinformatics Getting started with Perl Sequences and strings Mutation and randomization Genetic code
Bioinformatics Tools equence analysis, pairwise alignment, and database searching Multiple sequence alignments Visualizing pattern structures Prediction protein structure and function from sequence Genomics and proteomics