Anabolic Steroids A powerful tool used by doctors for the treatment of many medical maladies, cancer, aids and other degenerating muscle syndromes (NIDA,2012).
What are Anabolic Steroids The proper term for these compounds is anabolic- androgenic steroids (abbreviated AAS)—“anabolic” referring to muscle-building and “androgenic” referring to increased male sexual characteristics (NIDA,2012).
What Anabolic Steroids look like.
Acute affects The effects of use according to the NIDA include, muscle gain, weight gain, increased energy, feeling of Euphoria, rapid repair of muscle tissue and an enhanced libido.
Before and after in male users
Before and after of the female user
Long term side affects Steroid psychosis, paranoia, rage, enlarged heart, increased chance for liver and prostate cancer, shrinking of the gonads in both men and women (NIDA,2012).
Roid Rage
“Z” and roid rage There are many dangers of over use. Roid rage being the most dangerous of the side effects. “Z”
Medical complications from Abuse
Jose Canseco “The Godfather of Anabolic Steroids in Baseball Jose claims in his book vindicated that over 80% of all MLB players or more are on the stuff He also claims to have taught most of them how to do it safely. Jose also makes the claim that everyone should use them to achieve a happy long life.
Jose before and after
Tosh.0 on Anabolic Steroids. o&v=FMSJrrr9zXo&feature=player_detailpage
Anabolic Steroid Camps According to Matt Wordsworth of In an article published on May 30,2013, Matt interviews a young bodybuilder by the name of Jarrad Fisher, recently returned from a Thailand Steroid camp is quoted saying, "I'll be going there for the rest of my life.”
Jarrad Fisher
Legal in Thailand but not here?, a long standing web site with over a quarter million members states, the United States Congress added steroids to the Controlled Substances Act as an amendment known as the Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 1990. Steroids were now placed in “Schedule III” classification, along with amphetamines, methamphetamines, opium, and morphine, and carried the same penalties for buying or selling them.
But why? This legislation and classification was passed without the support of the American Medical Association, the FDA, the DEA, and the National Institute on Drug Abuse. All of whom actually protested the federal and state.
What do the medical professionals think? Dr. Michael Jamieson, the president of the Australian College of Sports Physicians, chief complaint about the use of steroids. "There is no regulation or no control about how that person receives that medication or receives that drug, or how it's administered and how it's monitored."
What do you think?
Citations 1. National Institute on Drug Abuse. Drug facts: Anabolic steroids. July 2012.Web. 9 July 2014. 2.“Z” Personal interview. 7 Dec 2013. 3.Wordsworth,Matt,”Bodybuilder gives insight in Thailand steroid holidays, doctors warn of health risks.” 30 May 2013. Web. 9 July 2014. 4. 2014. Web. July 2014. 5. Canseco,Jose. Vindicated: Big Names, Big Liars, and The Battle To Save Baseball. New York: High Traffic Media, 2008. Print.