Oedipus Review
Review Questions This acting area, or stage, sat in front of the skene in the Greek amphitheater. 2) This word, starting with an H, means “excessive pride or self-confidence.” 3) List the line number(s) that gives a synonym for plague at the beginning of Oedipus. 4) This character tells Oedipus “Alas, how terrible is wisdom when it brings no profit to the man that’s wise!” 5) List the line number(s) in which Oedipus threatens the herdsman with violence. 26-30, 32; 1213-14, 1228-29; 6) This is the name of Oedipus’s surrogate father.
Review Questions 7) List at least two line numbers that reference sight or blindness 8) This literary term means a repeated symbol, image, or idea that suggests a theme. 9) This literary term means a central idea in a work, and is expressed in a complete sentence. 10) This character says “I see you sulk in yielding and you’re dangerous when you are out of temper.” 11) This is the country in which Laius was murdered. 12) At the end of scene 3, Oedipus asks, “How could I wish that I were someone else? How could I not be glad to know my birth?” Name the literary device that Sophocles is using here. 26-30, 32; 1213-14, 1228-29; will confirm 7; 797 (Phocis);
Review Questions 13) Jocasta refers to this character as the “pilot of our ship” who is “always at the speaker’s mercy.” 14) Name the literary device: “This day will show your birth and will destroy you.” 15) Aristotle refers to this element of tragedy as the “soul of the tragedy.” 16) This is the number of main Gods that the Greeks worshipped. 17) This Goddess was the patron of love, beauty, and pleasure among the Greeks. 18) List at least two things that Greek masks helped identify in the wearer. 19) This---clearly marked in Oedipus---refers to the second section of a Greek choral ode. 26-30, 32; 1213-14, 1228-29; will confirm 7; 797 (Phocis);
Review Questions 20) This God precipitates the plague at the beginning of Oedipus. 21) What is one way the Greeks might have impressed or pleased the Gods? 22) This is the punishment that Oedipus decrees for the murderer of Laius. 23) This is the crime that Oedipus accuses Creon of committing. 24) Oedipus traveled to Thebes because a drunken man at a bar told him what? 25) List at least one example, with lines, of Oedipus or Jocasta discounting prophecies. 26) List the line numbers in which Creon explains why he is not interested in power. 26-30, 32; 1213-14, 1228-29; will confirm 7; 797 (Phocis); 26 - 644-655