Addressing the Startup Gender Gap Opportunity and Outperformance
The JumpFund Our Mission To invest women’s capital in female-led companies with growth potential in order to generate strong financial returns and elevate the role of women in business. Our Vision To make the SE the best place for a woman to start or grow her business.
Stefanie Crowe, Shelley Prevost, StoneBridge CEO Torch Financial Tiffanie Robinson, CEO Lamp Post Properties Betsy Brown, President, Pendleton Square Trust Kristina Montague, Managing Partner The JumpFund Cory Allison, CEO Rezli
JumpFund I Launched 2013; first investments 2014 $2.5mm Angel Fund 50+ female investors, 98% Chattanooga-based 7 member General Partner, all women Invested in: 18 women-led companies out of 200+ pipeline throughout SE
Challenging the Status Quo Where are the women? We need to engage more women as early stage/angel investors. Why are so few women on demo stages and receiving VC investment? Be the catalyst to change the landscape.
“There is an enormous untapped investment opportunity for venture capitalists smart enough to look at the numbers and fund women entrepreneurs.” -- Dr. Candida Brush, Babson College The Diana Report: Bridging the Gender Gap in Venture Capital, 2014
The Landscape Women entrepreneurs represent more than 36% of all business owners in U.S. and women-led companies now account for 13% of middle-market firms* *revenues between $10 mm and $1B
of Venture Capital funded companies have a woman executive <15% of Venture Capital funded companies have a woman executive
of VC-backed companies in the Southeast are women-led <6% of VC-backed companies in the Southeast are women-led
Gender Diverse Teams Outperform VC investments with at least one female founder performed 63% better than investments with all-male founding teams. -- First Round Capital (Fortune: July, 2015)
The Woman Factor 80% of consumer spending is controlled by women, including electronics & cars Bootstrap longer & are more capital-efficient Strong management, marketing & HR skills as co. grows Positive influence on corporate culture (vs. CE-bro syndrome) creates more sustainable work environment Products for women a mostly designed by men. Women’s appetite for risk -- take the long view, longer run rates. More women with management, marketing, HR and accounting degrees than entrepreneurship & finance. SheOs vs. CEbros (NYT April 2017) VCs are seeing ROI potential -- FL investor on why choose women-led co. for returns -- Supx
Women investing in Women “The gender gap in startup success disappears when women fund women.” HBR, July 2016 Women investing in Women The JumpFund is the ONLY angel fund with women investing in female-led companies in the SE, and one of only a few in the U.S.
SuperFan: Diverse Team, High Performance Startup Kayla Mount, Founder/COO 1st JF investment Diverse, well-rounded team -- marketing, ops, tech, management, fundraising/partnership dev Building gender balanced team --
Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada “We know that when women are successful… everyone does better. It’s not about doing the right thing around equality and pay equity, it’s about understanding that actually is the smart thing to do… It leads to better outcomes” Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada Women In the World Summit, April 2017