Personal Development Articles
NUMBER 1: KNOW YOUR TIMELINE You are not going to be a millionaire overnight, Unless you are extremely lucky and are destined the lottery, Forget it because you ARE in the same boat as everyone. So for MOST if not ALL of you reading this, YOU are going to give it some time before your bank account starts showing 9 Figures. The First few years from when you decide you are going to pursue a million dollar bank account are going to be purely Trial and Error Grinding and Working Looking for what works Facing all possible challenges that most millionaires go through
NUMBER 2: KNOW THE KEY ELEMENTS THAT IT TAKES Work Ethic- This is the most important element and has to be taken seriously. There are 3 levels to work ethic .Your results and how soon they start to appear will largely depend on which level you belong to: PART-TIME DREAM CHASER- Dedicate and working at least 40 hours a week for their dream FULL-TIME DREAM CHASER- Dedicate and working at least 60 hours a week for their dream ALL THE TIMER DREAM CHASER- They are obsessed, at least 80 hours to their dream. E.g Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg.
NUMBER 3: PERSONAL GROWTH To achieve a goal this big, You must be twice as good, smarter, more efficient and surpass any limitations that you or others have set for you. YOU ARE GOING TO UNDERTAKE PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT.
NUMBER 4: THERE WILL BE SETBACKS AND RESTARTS You are going to face issues that will set you back or slow you down. Don’t think too much of this but be prepared for such to occur. Hope for the best but expect and be prepared for the worst. Setbacks will come in many forms : Break ups Run out of funding Little or no return from your efforts Illness Family issues etc
NUMBER 5: LIMIT THE NUMBER OF FIELDS & INDUSTRIES YOU PURSUE Let me explain. Have you ever said or heard: “Oh this is not really working, so I’m going to change and try doing this”. People who make a habit of saying things like that, switching jobs, switching industries, changing companies and changing careers limit their success potential without even knowing. Success is a long game, if you want your business to be a powerhouse, you cannot quit before you give it enough time to establish itself. If you want to be respectable member in your field or career, don’t change when you face criticism, or face challenges because thats simply what it takes to make it. It’s those who can handle the adversity that truly find themselves in position to succeed.
NUMBER 6: IT NEEDS TO BE A MUST, JUST WANTING IT IS NOT ENOUGH Everyone wants to be a millionaire, but wanting just wanting doesn’t drive you make it a reality, its like wanting a better car or bigger house or better job. There is no passion in just wanting. SO, stop wanting and make it a must.
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