miss tedeschi literacy class 2016-2017
table of contents Title page 14. westing games 2. Table of contents 15. connect the stars 3.All about me 16. prisoner b-3087 4.Joural entries #1 17. far north 5 journal entries continued #1 18. a look at me as a reader 6. Journal entries#2 19. a look at me as a writer 7. Journal entries continued #2 20. teacher read a –louds 8. Journal entries #3 21. on my honor 9. journal entries continued #3 22. the cay 10. Fall is… 23. Island of the Blue Dolphins 11. List of books read 24. tuck everlasting 12. List of books read continued 25. end of the year review 13. Lit circle books read
All about me I am in band I play the flute. I have been on my swim team for about six years. I have also played on my bowling team for about five years. I am 13 years old. I love to read I have a lot of books at my house.my favorite subjects in school are literary class and science. I have been at united for 7 years. I love animals. I have been in band for two years. What I want to be when I grow up is vet or a chef.
Journal entries: space camp paper Here is my journal entire is about Space Camp. We and the whole class all went down to our school’s auditorium and the 3 other sixth grade class rooms were there. So when we got there it was really loud because all the sixth grade class were in their. So we went to take our seats for the presentation about space camp. The very first thing Mrs.Tedeschi did was she gave a little speech about how she got into space camp. Mrs. Tedeschi said that the space camp she went to was in Alabama for only five days she was there. The first day she was there she got to see a real life size model of a space ship. But the whole reason she got into space camp was. Mrs.Tedeschi was thinking about signing up to ride in an actual real space ship that time she was a teacher for west branch. But they were going to let a teacher go into space. But she didn’t sign up for it and the space ship name was the challenger. So they were having a debate on weather not to Lange or to Lange today. They ended up lancing and a rocket booster malfanced and it started a fire at the bottom of the space ship and went upwards.
Space camp paper continued So where the crew was going up in space and what happened when they went into space they ran out of fuel. So it started to come back down at a speed of 200 to 232 mph so that is what killed all the crew members on the challenger . The second thing in space camp Mrs.tedeschi did was she went on a bunch of rides. Also she got to slide down a rope but you were tied and you were backwards and you had to get united and swim to a platform it was called the aviation challenge. On her last day there she got to get to get in a simulation and put on a real life astronaut suits and build something in a simulation of what it was like in a real space ship and after all of that was done she let all the classes go up to where she had all the stuff she got and let us look at it. After that we went back to class room
Journal entries #2 I strongly believe we should add ribs to the school lunch menu. I know there are people that will definitely not agree but here are the reasons I think we should add ribs in school. First of all my reason is that ribs are good for you. Additionally my example is that meat has a lot of protein in it which most kids don’t get enough of. Next reason is that most kids like meat. Furthermore I asked kids in my class how many kids like to eat meat. In addition 22 out of 23 kids in my class like to eat meat. My final reason that ribs do not have a lot of sugar in it. Consequently if you severe ribs with a sugar free sauce it won’t have a lot of sugar exapted for the natural sugar that is in the meat. For all of those reasons I strongly believe we should add ribs because for one they have a lot of protein. Next is that 22 out of 23 kids like meat so In conclusion the cafeteria would make a lot of money and would earn back the money they spent on buying the ingredients. I chose this writing because I wanted to show how much I have grown with my writing skills since the end of the year.
Journal entries #3 It was a sunny afternoon me and my mom were on are way to my grandma’s beautiful yellow house. To get a cooler for the fourth of July party we have every year. We were on are way to her house. When we got there I said hi and petted the beautiful black and brown and white dog named Alex. My grandma said “ the coolers are in the basement.” I said to my mom I will go get it. W hen I got the cooler out of the dark very scary basement I put it in the car. We said goodbye and left her beautiful yellow house. We were on are way home my mother stopped at the bright red STOP! Sign. She looked both ways she didn’t see any car around so she went but here comes this big green metal jeep. We hit the big metal jeep like BOOM! I went to see if my mom was alright the air bag went of thank god she got out of are sliver gray Mazda to make sure the lady we had hit was alright. I started to cry really bad because I was so scared. This very nice neighbor of my grandma’s heard the crash she said it made here cat jump really high I laughed. She went over to my mom and hugged her I could tell by the look in my mom’s eyes that she was so scared for
Journal entries #3 continued her life. She came over to me and said are you all right I said I was just fine. Then the police, ambulance, firetrucks all started to come because it was a pretty bad crash. My mom’s car took all the damage it was a metal it was a very hard crash. The firefighters asked me if I need to go to the hospital I said I was fine it was my mom I was scared fore . I got out of the car the police men wanted to talk to my mom she told him everything and he said do you want to fight the lady my mom hit. She said no and also said that it was her fault not the lady in the jeep’s fault. The lady in the jeep had a neck injury in high school so she went to the hospital. They checked are car and said we could go we got in the car and went home. that was the scariest thing in my life that has happened to me because I didn’t know if me and my mom were going to be alright. I chose this piece because it was the second to last sol paper I did and I was getting better at writing with detail.
Fall is … Fall is to me is spending time with my family and friends.it is also about giving back to people that don’t have a lot. Also it is about happiness. Also it is about having fun with the people you love.it is also about friendship. I will also play my flute for all my friends and family because they love to hear me play.
List of books read Freefall by Roderick Gordon 2. It Get’s worse by Shane Dawson 3. The legend of Luke by Brian Jacques 4. don’t judge a girl by her cover by Ally Carter 5.Hesit society by Ally Carter 6.Poppy’s return by AVI 7. The fellowship of the ring by J.R.R. Tolkien 8. Ophelia and the marvelous boy by Karen Foxlee 9. Troublemaker by Andrew Clements 10. Atlantia by Ally Carter 11. Once upon a cruise by Anna Staniszewski 12. News for dogs by Lois Duncan
List of books read continued 13. Mrs. Frisby and the rats of Nimh by Robert C. O’Brian 14. Harry potter and the sorcerer’s stone by J.K. Rowling 15. Esperanza Rising by Pam Munoz Ryan
lit circle books read 1. Westing game by Ellen Raskin 2. Connect the stars by Marisa de los Santos and David Teague 3. Prisoner B-3087 by Alan Gratz 4. Far north by Will Hobbs
Westing games by Ellen raskin The Westing game book is about sixteen people gather for a reading for Samuel w. westing will and though they could win one millionaire has to chosen a virtual stranger and a possible murderer read to find out more.
Connect the stars connect the stars is about a group of people who go to a camp this girl Audrey she thinks she can’t trust Jamie her old best friend then this girl Daphne goes missing in the dessert she can’t just stand by and just watch this girl still be missing. read to fine out more
Prisoner b-3087 Can you image this a 10 year old boy who was just 13 years old had people he loved taken away from him. Then Yanek gets take to these concentration camps where you are starved , tortured, and worked to death. Something no one can even think of surviving. READ TO FIND OUT MORE.
far north Far North is about a group of guys that are left of the Nahanni river and have to survive with two of the guys died what will the two other guys Gabe and Raymond do with out the one that helped them survive. READ TO FIND OUT MORE. I liked the book if you have every read hatchet then you will like Far North but I will let you deicide for your self if you want to read it.
A look at me as a reader Well what I like to do when I read is I like to have a very quiet room and just read in my room and the genre I like to read are fantasy, tradition literature, mystery, nonfiction, and my last genre I like realistic fiction as well.
a look at me as a writer Well what I like to do when I write is to just sit in a really quiet place and just write a fantasy story or about my day. Or about my week as well . The types of write like are fantasy, true stories, about your life, and finally I like just writing about animals or where you can learn stuff from it like what the animals look like or there natural behaver in the wild.
Teacher read A-loud On my honor by Marion Dane Bauer 2. The cay by Theodore Taylor 3. Island of the blue dolphin by Scott O’Dell 4. Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt
on my honor During a bike ride to starved rock then Tony Joel’s best friend decides to take a swim in the vermillion river will Joel go in with him read to find out more.
the cay by Theodore Taylor This book is about a boy named Phillip and his mom wants to leave Willemstad because there is a war there ship got torpedoed and now he is on a raft with a man named timothy and they find an island. Read to find out more.
Island of the blue dolphin This book is about a Tribe called Ghalas-at lives on the island of the blue dolphins. There is this red sailed ship where the Aleuts come onto the island and wish to hunt otter. Then in early mourning the Aleuts decided to leave without paying the people of Ghalas-at for the otter they had skinned. Read to find out more
TUCK EVERLASTING Tuck everlasting is a fantasy book. When the fosters daughter wants to run away. She meets this boy Jessie who is 17 and 104 but how is that even possible. But the rest of the tuck family is the same way they will live forever. Read to find out more about how the tuck family is still alive when there son is 104 and 17 at the same time.
The end of the year review 6 th grade was a lot of fun my teachers Mrs. Grimm and Mrs.tedsechi were really good teachers. 6th grade is really hard but you get to do a lot of fun stuff in return. Also 6th grade you have a lot of math homework Mrs. Grimm says you need to practice math every single day. In Mrs. Tedsechi class you don’t have a lot of homework but you do have lit circles due every Friday.