Welcome to Year 2.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to Year 2

Miss Cropper – Class 2C Miss Balfe – 2B TA – Mr Lyons Staff Miss Cropper – Class 2C Miss Balfe – 2B TA – Mr Lyons

Class 2C Miss Cropper Teaching for 15 years Taught year 1 and 2 PE specialist Loves keeping fit Needs coffee to function!

Class 2B Miss Balfe Second teaching year (RQT) Second year in Year 2 School maths team Like to travel Loves dogs, reading and The Simpsons!

From Year 1 to Year 2 We want the transition from year 1 to year 2 to be as easy as possible. The daily routines will be a little different to fit with the Year 2 timetable. The structure of the day will be a mix of whole class teaching and small group work just as it was in Year 1.

Expectations Our expectations will remain exactly the same as those in year 1. Excellent behaviour Kindness towards others Trying their hardest with everything they do Have fun and smile!

Coming into school and going home each day. Children line up outside as usual in the mornings. Year 2 are further along the playground towards the hall. Encourage your child to be independent by saying good bye to them on the playground! Please do not follow them into school as this causes difficulties. Children will come onto the school playground to meet parents at 3.10pm when the bell goes. Class 2C will be brought out through the doors opposite the hall. 2B will be at the benches near the friendship stop. The children are told that they must inform their teacher when they can see the person collecting them before they are allowed to leave.

Book Bags Your child should bring their book bag in daily. This should ONLY be used for reading books, letters and homework. (Water bottles should not be put with reading books please). Bags can be either the school canvas book bags or the clear plastic book bags. Nothing bigger than this as there isn’t room.

Reading Books Your child will be able to change their reading books at least twice a week. We can’t emphasise enough how important it is to listen to your child read as often as possible. We value your comments in reading records and need a signature to show your child has read the book in order to change it. Your handbook has a list of the common words you might like to practise with your child at home.

Homework Spellings or times tables will be sent home each Monday to practise or for an informal test the following week. Your child will either be given homework which will reinforce skills taught in class in Literacy or Maths or they may receive topic based work. The work is given out on a Friday to be returned by the following Tuesday. At the back your booklets is a copy of the common exception words which they are expected to read and spell. We will be working on these words in class. Additional support from home in helping your child with these words will be of great benefit to them.

School Library Your child will visit the school library and change their library book once a week. Please ensure your child has their book in school on the appropriate days. 2C – Monday 2B - Thursday

P.E. Your child will take part in PE at least twice a week. Both classes outdoor: Thursday. Indoor: Friday. Please ensure that your child has the correct PE kit in school at all times. Navy blue shorts/white t-shirt Trainers for outdoor PE not pumps. Please check these still fit on a regular basis. Children will be asked to tie long hair back and remove all jewellery. Earrings must be removed before they come to school on these days.

Sports The children will need an outdoor kit; Both Classes are taught PE by the Schools Coaches. These lessons take place once a week. The children will need an outdoor kit; which includes a pair of trainers and a tracksuit for the winter/Spring.

Swimming Children in Year 2 are invited to take swimming lessons. These will take place during the final half term. Further information will be sent nearer the time.

The New Curriculum The new National Curriculum for year 2 was introduced last year. Year two will be taught a range of subjects through new topics. Daily Literacy and Maths lessons will still take place and these lessons will be a mix of whole class and small group sessions.

Creative Curriculum The Year 2 curriculum will continue to have a range of topics through which all the subjects are taught. This allows us to build on the creative curriculum your child has enjoyed in Reception and Year 1. Some of the topics we are looking at are…

A topic which covers Famous People. Significant Events in History including the Great fire of London. Changes to materials. The Year 2 end of year production.

Year 2 Topics Autumn 1 – Fire Fire! Autumn 2 – So Stockport Spring 1 – Fame Spring 2 – Matchstalk Men Summer 1 – Animal Magic Summer 2 – Oh Canada

Our topics cover.. Plants Local Environment Local History Living Things and Habitats Animals

Life cycles, animal classification, food groups and healthy eating. We will be studying the world around us. Looking at a range of different cultures and beliefs.

Geographical study of Canada. Comparison of different places.

Assessments All children are assessed on a continuous basis using a range of assessments. These include on-going teacher assessments and written assessments. The results of all assessments are used to set targets and ensure each child is receiving the appropriate work in class.

Year 2 Assessments Children will be assessed throughout the year and will complete the new statutory tests at the end of the year. SATS will be used to help inform our end of key stage teacher assessment. These will comprise of tests for reading, SPAG and maths. Teachers will also assess the children in Science. Children in Year 1 who do not achieve the phonics screening test will also have the opportunity to try this again at the end of Year 2.

(This can be found on the school website. Behaviour In Year 2 we reward good behaviour and hard work by awarding house points, stickers and class mascot Year 2 follows the schools behaviour policy. (This can be found on the school website. The class can earn additional play time for everyone if they have behaved well and worked hard all week or achieved 100% attendance.

School Website Remember to regularly check the School Website. We endeavour to update the information as often as we can. There are often photographs of the children on there doing all sorts of things. There are lots of additional facts and information.

And Finally! We aim to provide all children with a happy and memorable year. Should you have any concerns about your child or their progress, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will always be happy to arrange a convenient time to meet with you.

Thank You!

Messages… Your opinions matter! School Spider Our staff team are committed to providing the best possible provision for your child/dren. If you are not entirely satisfied with this, please talk to your child's class teacher in the first instance. If we have done something well, we'd love to know! Please remember that school staff are humans too. All we ask is for this to be respected both in our face to face conversations and on social media. Thank you Mr L Hardy School Spider Please can ALL parents download the new version of School Spider. Usernames and passwords have been sent out today (Weds 13th) so if you haven’t received them you may need to provide school with your current/updated email address. Thank you Mrs Kaur