Year 3 Newsletter Summer 2017 PANSHANGER PRIMARY SCHOOL Year 3 Newsletter Summer 2017 The main Mathematics topics this term will be Place Value, Mental and Written Methods, Fractions and Problem Solving. Please keep practising your times tables for our challenge! The main English units this term will be Recounts, Fairy Stories, Information Texts and Poetry. The children will continue to practice spelling , handwriting and grammar every week. Welcome back! I hope you and your children had a lovely spring break. Our main topics this term are ‘Our Local Area’ and ‘Romans in Our Area’. Art this term will be Perspective Drawing and Mosaics. We are having a whole school Art Week before half term. Year 3 will be looking at the art movement ‘Fauvism.’ Outdoor PE will take place on Mondays, but please ensure that your child also has an indoor PE kit in school. We will continue swimming lessons at Hatfield every Thursday. After the May half-term, we will also be swimming in our school pool! Music and French will continue on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Our Science units this term will be Animals & Humans and Plants. In Computing, our topics will be Scratch and Keeping Informed. In RE, we will be looking at the rules which Christians and Muslims follow. Homework Two pieces of homework will be given out on Fridays to be handed in the following Thursday. This will usually be Maths, English, Spelling or Topic. Reminders Reading records need to be signed at least three times each week and will be checked every Friday. We will continue this term with the reading prizes. New bookmarks will be given out if needed. Please make sure that your child brings a water bottle, filled with fresh water every day. This is particularly important during warm weather. On Tuesday 20th June, we shall be visiting Welwyn Roman Baths and Mill Green Museum. Please let me know if you can help with transport. Year Three teacher surgery days are Tuesdays and Thursdays. Of course if anything is urgent, please chat to the adult at the door that morning.