Year 4 Parent Information Letter Wednesday 6th July Chile Class (4M) Mrs. Jo Mujik (Year Leader) Brazil Class (4H) Mrs. Rebecca Hatrick Argentina Class (4B) Mr. Dave Buckler Teaching Assistants: Mrs Helen Dobson Our Aims In Year 4 we aim to: Ensure a smooth transition from Year 3 Inspire the children with exciting learning experiences Develop greater independence in learning Give the children greater responsibility to make their own choices Encourage team work and collaborative learning Routines The timetable for the day is the same as Year 3 (Guided Reading at 11.30) Merits Houses and house points Home school books (blue books) Homework: choice of tasks – topic related, times tables, mental maths, My Maths n tasks, reading, spellings
How to support from home Topics Autumn Term We are Historians. Roman history, Bignor Roman Villa, Lodge Hill Spring Term Metal Maniacs. (local area study, sound and electricity, 3D model making, sound recording, drawing, pneumatics, programming) Summer Term Ruckus in the Rainforest. (geography, maps, rainforest exploration, dancing, music, Kew Gardens, cookery, South American production) How to support from home Homework (reading, mental maths, spellings, optional tasks – as in Year 3) Breakfast, snack & lunch Good night’s sleep PE kit Coat Water bottle Communication Trips & Special Events Autumn Term: Trip to Bignor (local Roman site) Lodge Hill (residential) Spring Term: Local area exploring, Summer Term: ) Rainforests in classrooms, Kew Gardens, Rainforest production. We welcome parent help! Swimming Lessons: 2 terms, each for 11 weeks. Your child will need a swimming cap Please note; when the children are having swimming lessons, they will still have another PE session in school and therefore will still need a PE kit available..