ONLINEDONATIONS.US Raise more money, Save valuable time, 100% Accountability
What is an OnlineDonations Campaign? A email driven platform designed to seek donations from close friends, family and supporters of your players and group. We create a custom campaign for the team and each player on it. Can be used for a “lift a thon” and each player uses fundraising software to collect their donations. Each player has a personal fundraising page to reach out via email, Social Media, and text. Donors can view player’s personal fundraising pages and easily donate any amount electronically via credit card or check. Checks are sent to our home office and we issue receipts. All donor information is private and never shared or given to any 3rd party company.
Advantages of an OnlineDonations campaign Can replace letters if your team currently does 20 for 20 traditional donation letter or if you do a “lift a thon, hit-a-thon, or 100 inning game.” No upfront cost or minimum number of participants. Our “ALL IN” software tracks all funds and tracks participation of each player and how much they raised toward their personal fundraising goal. Your campaign manager or the “go to” person in your organization also has full access to view activity, total funds raised and total player participation. Team keeps 80% of total funds raised after 4 week campaign is over.
We do ALL the work! We create custom campaign for you with images and message about your group. It only takes student minutes to join and complete the setup process and add donors. Our “ALL IN” software tracks all donations and the progress of each participant. We follow up with “Thank You” emails and issue receipts for all tax deductible donations. A certified check is mailed to the group the day after the campaign ends. ACH direct deposit is also available upon request.
3 Easy Steps 1 – 2 – 3 Join Personalize Add Donors
Step 1 – “Join” Players log in to their personal fundraising page from the computer lab. Players can also access their personal fundraising page via smart phone or any tablet.
Step 2 – “Personalize” Upload and edit your photo. Edit your tagline and pre-written fundraiser message if desired. You can edit your photo, tagline and message anytime during the campaign
Step 3 – “Add Donors” Players add donors emails to their personal campaign. Share their fundraising page via social media (i.e., Facebook, Twitter, etc.) Share their fundraising page via SMS Text Message.
STUDENT/PARENT DASHBOARD Players/Parents can track total funds raised toward their personal fundraising goal in real time. Share their personal fundraising page via text or Social Media at any time. Edit their photo and tagline/player message at any time during the campaign.
DONOR MESSAGE Donors receive a personalized email from the player. All donor information is private and confidential and never shared or sold to any company. All donor info is deleted after the campaign and never used again for any purpose. Donors can unsubscribe and be removed from campaign if they choose.
ADMIN PAGE Track Participation Share “group page” See total funds raised in real time
ADMIN DASHBOARD Only Coach/Booster Club have secure access to view. See total funds raised by group in real time. “Group page” that can be shared via website or group social media for donations to the group as a whole. Track participation of members and who is “ALL IN” and “NOT IN.”
Track Participation Group leader or “campaign manager” can track participation of each member in the campaign. Communicate to members via email or text message to “ALL IN” or “NOT IN” members from your admin dashboard.
TEAM PAGE Share your “team page” with your overall team goal via a team website for donations to the “team” as a whole. “Team page” can also be shared via Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn, or Pinterest to get message to followers via social media for donations to the “team” as a whole.
That’s It....You’re Done!! Players/parents can log into their personal page and view results at anytime. Our OnlineDonations Campaign will generally last 30 days. We will work with your organization and review best practices to help you facilitate a group meeting and kick off from school computer lab. A fundraiser/participant handout is also included. Toll Free customer support is available at 888-741-2963.