And they can be overcome


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Presentation transcript:

And they can be overcome The Problems We Face Many of the problems we face today are not new. Many have been around throughout history. Yet, because man’s nature has not changed, the Bible deals with many of these problems. And they can be overcome

Dealing with them is not easy to do. The Problems We Face Dealing with them is not easy to do. It is easy to stand up and preach what we need to do, but anyone who has struggled with problems knows it is not easy! But, if we are willing to follow God’s pattern, we can overcome whatever problems we face

Problems Christians Face Today (2) THE CONCERN OF WORRY

Origin – to choke or strangle What is Worry? Origin – to choke or strangle “To give way to anxiety or unease; allow one’s mind to dwell on difficulty or troubles” worry,, 6/13/17 “A sense of uneasiness and anxiety about the future.” Dictionary of Bible Themes, Logos

The Problem with Worry Physically – stress, high blood pressure, ulcers, headaches, sleep loss, even heart problems Emotionally – depression, hopelessness, doubt, low self-worth. It can rob you of joy, peace and happiness.

The Problem with Worry Relationships – Sullen moods and constant fretting unpleasant to be around. Spiritually – worry can be sinful! When we become overly concerned, consumed with something, failure to deal with your problems, etc.

Concern and apprehension are not wrong – The Bible and Worry Concern and apprehension are not wrong – Jesus in the garden – Luke 22:44 Paul and his concern for brethren – 2 Corinthians 11:28, 2:12-13 (even sleeplessness); 1 Thessalonians 3:5-7

Worry – μεριμνάω (merimnaō) – used 5 times in Matthew 6:24-34 The Bible and Worry Worry – μεριμνάω (merimnaō) – used 5 times in Matthew 6:24-34 1 Corinthians 7:32-33 “cares” for one’s wife,… 1 Corinthians 12:25 – in the body we have “the same care for you” Philippians 2:20 – Timothy sent who sincerely cared for their state

It can affect how we pray – James 1:5-7. Is our worry a lack of faith? The Bible and Worry Worry is when reach that state where the thing begins to consume us and affect the way we behave and think It can affect how we pray – James 1:5-7. Is our worry a lack of faith?

Worry can waste our time The Bible and Worry Worry can waste our time Only about 8-10% of what we worry about are genuine concerns Most worry about 1) What will likely not happen 2) What has already happened 3) Something yet future 4) What we cannot control Ephesians 5:16

The Bible and Worry Proverbs 12:25, Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression, But a good word makes it glad. Psalm 94:19, In the multitude of my anxieties within me, Your comforts delight my soul.

Matthew 13:22, the thorny soil is chocked by “the cares of this world” The Bible and Worry Matthew 13:22, the thorny soil is chocked by “the cares of this world” Luke 10:41, Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things Philippians 4:6-7, Be anxious for nothing…

Matthew 6:24-34, Jesus taught us not to worry! The Bible and Worry Matthew 6:24-34, Jesus taught us not to worry! Vs. 24, You cannot serve 2 masters. This is where the trouble of worry often begins Vs. 25, we are commanded no to worry, especially about your life – food and clothing! (cf. 2 Thessalonians 3:10). Don’t obsess about these!

Vs. 26, God takes care of birds. You are of more value than birds! The Bible and Worry Matthew 6:24-34, Vs. 26, God takes care of birds. You are of more value than birds! Vs. 27, Why worry about what you cannot change? Vs. 28-30, God takes care of flowers and gives them splendor. He can clothe you as well.

The Bible and Worry Matthew 6:24-34, Vs. 30, O you of little faith. HERE, is the problem with worry. It shows a lack of trust in God. Typically, we worry because our faith is weak! We trust more in ourselves than in Him!

The Bible and Worry Matthew 6:24-34, Vs. 31-32, God knows what you need. So, don’t act like the world (that lacks faith in Him) Vs. 33, instead, seek FIRST God’s kingdom. “And all these things shall be added to you”

The Bible and Worry Matthew 6:24-34, Vs. 34, don’t’ worry about tomorrow – you have enough to do and to concern you today!

Dealing with Worry What am I doing to deal with it? 2 Corinthians 13:5. I need to honestly examine where I am and WHY I am worrying? Is it valid? Is it the 8% or the 92%? Make up your mind! Ephesians 4:22-24, renewed in the spirit of your mind

Dealing with Worry Change your behavior If what you are worrying about is something you can control, do it! How often is our worry related to sinful behavior, lack of self-control and poor decisions? If you are worrying about where you stand before God, chances are you need to change your behavior!

Dealing with Worry Accept who you are (NOT sinful conduct), but whatever it is that you cannot change! (e.g. your height! Learn to trust God He is in control. 1 Peter 5:7, Matthew 11:28-30, cf. Matthew 14:31, “why did you doubt?”

Dealing with Worry Make Him your priority Matthew 6:33, seek His kingdom first. Doing so will keep you focused on what is really important! 1 Corinthians 15:10 Matthew 6:24 – if you seek to serve two masters, you will constantly be worried about both of them!

Dealing with Worry Deal with today Matthew 6:34, There is enough going on right now. Focus on what you can control right now. OFTEN, when we are dealing with a seemingly insurmountable problem, if we take it one step at a time, we will eventually overcome it. Do what you can today and let it go!

Dealing with Worry Pray about it Philippians 4:6-7, prayer is needed in everything we deal with!

Worry is something you CAN deal with! Keep pressing forward and NEVER give up!

Do you trust Him? (then don’t worry about it!)