The Sinless One
Bible Reading Matthew 6:25–34
Seek first the Kingdom Part 1
Jesus’ Words Challenging “Do not worry about your life...” Matt 6:25 “Do not worry about tomorrow...” Matt 6:34
Suppose one of you wants to build a tower Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Will he not first sit down and estimate the cost to see if he has enough money to complete it? For if he lays the foundation and is not able to finish it, everyone who sees it will ridicule him, saying, “This fellow began to build and was not able to finish.” Luke 14: 28-30
Trusting God? We cannot live on past experiences of God. Our walk with God has to be renewed each day.
Seek first the Kingdom Part 2
Look at the birds of the air... Seek first the Kingdom
What is the Kingdom of God? Seek first the Kingdom
The “places” where God rules Seek first the Kingdom
What is the Kingdom of God? A place or jurisdiction of: no murder (wrongful anger), no adultery (lustful looking), no revenge, enemies are loved, generosity, prayer, fasting, God coming before possessions, judging left to God, God’s generosity surpassing ours, open only to those who do what the Heavenly Father wants...
A pearl worth sacrificing everything for
A mustard seed growing into a huge tree – a place of new birth
For those of childlike faith
Hard for the wealthy to get in
Requires readiness and preparation
Requires our investment Taken hold of by forceful people Revealed in suffering
The Kingdom of God separates people weeds from the harvest
The Kingdom of God separates people bad fish - good fish
The Kingdom of God separates people goats - sheep
Who are “the least of these brothers & sisters of mine”? Jesus Who are “the least of these brothers & sisters of mine”? The poor & disadvantaged? Children? Other believers? The Jews?
separated into His Kingdom The Kingdom of God Called as His sheep, separated into His Kingdom
The Kingdom of God is unified under God’s sovereignty Inconceivable that it could be divided United, as Jesus and His Father are A divided kingdom will fall (Matt 12:25) Unity is not uniformity.
embraces diversity – as in Creation The Kingdom of God embraces diversity – as in Creation