The manifesto of God’s kingdom
Matthew 4:12-17, 23.
Matthew 5, 6 and 7
A series of 10 messages, ending Sunday, Sept.4.
July 4, 1776, US Congress: (13 States) “The Declaration of Independence” 1848, Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels: “The Manifesto of the Communist Party” 2000 years ago, Jesus Christ: “The Manifesto of God’s Kingdom.”
The manifesto of God’s kingdom “A manifesto is a public declaration of principles and/or policies.”
So, the Sermon on the Mount is Jesus’ "Declaration of the Kingdom.“ In this sermon Jesus lays down the principles of the kingdom of God.
The kingdom(s) of God The spiritual kingdom of God, present time, Col.1:13; Phil.4:20-21. The literal kingdom of God, 1000 years, the millennium, when Christ returns and reigns. The eternal kingdom of God, everlasting!
Matthew 5, 6 and 7
The Sermon on the Mount The Sermon on the Mount has long been hailed as the sum of Jesus' ethical teaching. It has been said that if you took all the good advice for how to live ever uttered by any philosopher, psychiatrist or counsellor, took out the foolishness and boiled it all down to the real essentials, you would be left with a poor imitation of this great message by Jesus.
The Sermon on the Mount Is the first and longest message of Jesus in the four gospels. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus tells us how to behave as citizens of the kingdom of God. In other words, it expresses the spiritual implications of Jesus' rule in our lives. This great message tells us how we will, or how we ought to live when Jesus is our Lord.
Some subjects covered in this sermon The beatitudes, the characteristics of the kingdom citizens Christ and the O.T. law Outward and inward religion Divorce Loving our enemies Doing good
Some subjects covered in this sermon “The Lord’s prayer” and fasting Laying up treasures, materialism Worry Judging Asking and receiving Bearing fruit, good and bad Building your house
The Beatitudes, Matt.5:1-12. The “Blessings” The “Be-attitudes” The characteristics of the Kingdom’s citizens The Beatitudes give a clear picture of a true disciple of God Blessed means divinely happy, fortunate, but different from the worldly notion of happiness.
1. Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. The opposite of poor in spirit is, proud and self-righteous in spirit. "God, be merciful to me, a sinner." (Luke 18:9-14). (Ink) Paraphrase: "Blessed are those who humbly recognize their need for God, for they will enter into his kingdom."
2. Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. "Those who mourn" speaks of those who express deep sorrow over sin, or those who repent from their sins. The freedom found in the forgiveness of sins and the joy of eternal salvation is the "comfort" of those who repent. It may also mean mourning over the injustice and suffering in the world. Paraphrase: "Blessed are those who mourn for their sins, for they shall receive forgiveness and life eternal."
3. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. Meek = humble or gentle Similar to "the poor," "the meek" are those who submit to God's authority, making him Lord. Revelation 21:7 says God's children will "inherit all things." Rom.8:16-17. Paraphrase: "Blessed are those who submit to God as Lord, for they will be heirs to everything God possesses."
4. Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied. "Hunger and thirst" speaks of a deep need and a driving passion. This "righteousness" refers to the Lord Jesus Christ, our righteousness. To "be filled" is the satisfaction of the soul's desire. But it may also refer to a desire to see justice, 2Pe.3:13. Paraphrase: "Blessed are those who passionately long for the Lord Jesus Christ, for he will satisfy their souls."
5. Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. Simply put, we reap what we sow. Those who demonstrate mercy will receive mercy. Likewise, those who know great mercy will show great mercy, Luke 7:41-43. This mercy is shown through forgiveness and also by offering kindness and compassion toward others. Paraphrase: "Blessed are those who show mercy through forgiveness, kindness and compassion, for they will receive mercy."
6. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. The "pure in heart" are those who have been cleansed from within. This is not talking about outward righteousness seen by men, but inward holiness that only God can see. The Bible says in Hebrews 12:14 that without holiness, no man will see God. Psalms 119:9 "How can a believer keep his heart pure? By keeping it according to the word of God". Paraphrase: "Blessed are those who have been purified from the inside out, being made clean and holy, for they will see God." (John 3, “see” = understand, experience).
7. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. The Bible says that we have peace with God through Jesus Christ. Reconciliation through Jesus Christ brings restored fellowship (peace) with God. 2 Corinthians 5:19-20 says that God entrusts us with this same message of reconciliation to take to others. Romans 14:19 tells us, "So then let us pursue the things which make for peace and the building up of one another". Paraphrase: "Blessed are those who have been reconciled to God through Jesus Christ and who bring this same message of reconciliation to others. All those who have peace with God are called his sons."
8. Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Just as Jesus faced persecution, so he warned his followers for persecution. Those who endure because of their faith rather than hiding their righteousness to avoid persecution are genuine followers of Christ. Paraphrase: "Blessed are those daring enough to openly live for righteousness and suffer persecution, for they will receive the kingdom of heaven."
A few searching questions: 1. Are you a citizen of the kingdom of God? 2. Are you striving to live according to these 8 principles? 3. Can you say that you are truly “blessed”? 4. Are you willing to make a new surrender to God to seek to live as He pleases?