“Preparing For Dynamic Instruction” Utilizing Effective Teaching Strategies Brother Derrick L. James and Sister Karen F. James Progressive Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ July 2, 2016
What do you see?
What did you see?
Destination Imagination Essential Question: How can effective teaching strategies be used to successfully impart knowledge?
Destination Imagination Standard: EXCELLENCE
What I Should Think About While Planning Focus- What is the purpose of this lesson? What are your take aways? Hook ‘Em- Find a way to get your audience excited about the days lesson Direct Instruction- Teach, but don’t lecture to long. You will lose your audience Activity- Utilize different instructional strategies to engage your audience Closure- Summarize your lesson
Characteristics of a Great Teacher 1.) Read the article. 2.) What is the most important characteristic of a great teacher.
BECOMING EFFECTIVE TEACHERS Requires training Requires practice Requires listening Requires doing
In order to Learn, Students must… Feel accepted in the classroom See the classroom as physically and emotionally pleasant. Perceive the classroom as orderly View the task as valuable and relevant. Understand clearly what they are expected to learn and do.
Principles of Learning Need to know how people learn best. (Ask them). All learners have learning styles.
All Learners . . . Are autonomous and self-directed. Have a foundation of life experiences and knowledge. Are goal-oriented. Are practical. Need to be shown respect.
For each characteristic, there are implications to use.
1. Learners are autonomous and self-directed. Implications: Involve participants. Serve as facilitator. Determine interests of learners.
2. Learners have a foundation of life experiences and knowledge. Implications: Recognize expertise of participants. Encourage participants to share their experiences and knowledge.
3. Learners are goal-oriented. Implications: Be organized. Have clear objectives.
4. Learners are practical Implication: Show relevance of the lesson.
5. Learners need to be respected. Implications: Acknowledge the wealth of knowledge and experiences the participants bring to the training. Treat the participants as equals (especially adults)rather than subordinates.
Active Learning Learning is not a spectator sport. The more actively engaged the learners are, the more learning takes place.
Teaching Strategies are… Techniques used by educators to disseminate information and impart knowledge.
Everyday is not the right time for every teaching strategy Things To Remember Not all teaching strategies are effective for all students, and/or in all situations Everyday is not the right time for every teaching strategy
When teaching… Don’t be afraid Be creative and think outside the box Be prepared and utilize all available resources Actively involve your audience Always maintain high expectations for your audience
Instructional Strategies the Work Teaching with technology B.L.A.S.T (Bringing Literature And Scriptures Together) Perception vs. Reality Bible Dependent Answers Let Your Light Shine I Am How it Spreads
Teaching With Technology
TEACHING WITH TECHNOLGY Create a PowerPoint with ease! What ever you are teaching, google it and add ppt. This will show you the power points that are already created. NO NEED TO REINVENT THE WHEEL or THE POWER POINT.
B.L.A.S.T Bringing Literature And Scriptures Together
B.L.A.S.T (Bringing Literature And Scriptures Together) Utilize literary and informational texts during your lesson. Read Aloud. A read aloud can be used through out the lesson. Beginning- Opening activity During- Group Activity End- Closure or summary of a lesson
The Tortoise and the Hare
CLASS TIME!!! Let’s Read About It.
What lesson can this story be used to teach?
B.L.A.S.T (Bringing Literature And Scriptures Together) http://www.jeremiahproject.com/ culture/values/
Perception vs. Reality
Bible Dependent Analysis/Answers
Text Dependent Analysis Student were asked to make one of the following connections. Text to Text – A piece of text to another text Text to Self –A piece of text to a personal experience Text to World- A piece of text to situations in the world
Text Dependent Analysis Bible to Text – The Bible to another text Bible to Self –The Bible to a personal experience Bible to World- The Bible to situations in the world
CLASS TIME!!! What are the blessings of Spiritual Renewal?
Let Your Light Shine
I Am…
I Am… A strategy used to allow your audience to place themselves in the place of someone else during a specific period of time. For Example Martin Luther King Jr. during the march on Washington A recent high school graduate who wants his parents to by him a car Derrick James when he realizes that I threw away the left shoe from his favorite pair of sneakers
To complete an “I Am”, answer the following questions. I wonder… I hear… I see.. I want… I pretend… I feel… I touch… I worry… I cry… I am… I understand… I say… I dream… I try… I hope…
I Am… Derrick James when he realizes that I threw away the left shoe from his favorite pair of sneakers
CLASS TIME!!! Select on of the two choices and write am “I Am”.
Paul on the road to Damascus to persecute the Saints. I Am… The women with an issue of blood pressing my way through the crowd to get to Jesus. Paul on the road to Damascus to persecute the Saints.
How It Spreads
Quick Activity Name some television shows you watch when you were ten. Name some television shows children watch today. What are the differences in the shows?
VALUE ADDED Do what you are asked to do. Teach what you are supposed to teach. Hygiene is a BIGGY! This is MINT for you! This is Mint for me!
WHEN YOU STAND BEFORE PEOPLE… Pronounce your words correct. Subject and Verb must agree! Certain words have no (S) at the end. Be professional and sound intelligent.