Dear Christian Friend, Meditation has been medically-proven to reduce stress, create calmness and inner peace, and even eliminate or reduce the symptoms of many illnesses. Just for this reason alone, meditation should be a part of a healthy lifestyle. Even though Christian meditation is a fairly old practice, it's a new concept for the modern day Christian. Many believers grew up believing that meditation was ungodly or dangerous. But if you were to do a thorough research, you would find that this just isn't true Donations Welcomed! ©2005-2009 Serenity Enterprises. All rights reserved. No part of this website may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the expressed permission of Serenity Enterprises. Jesus also showed us by example how important it is to spend time with God. It was Jesus daily custom to find a solitary place and spend hours just abiding with God and spending time in his presence. Spending time with God in silence and solitude and planting his word into your heart, is not only going to make you physically healthier, it’s going to also enhance your relationship with God and create more peace, joy, and contentment in your life. If you are feeling disconnected from God, confused about your life, longing to know your purpose, experiencing a lack of faith and unbelief, plagued with worry or fear, and lacking God's joy in everyday events, through practicing Biblical meditation you can begin turning your life around today But the most compelling reason for Biblical meditation is the Bible itself. The scriptures that tells us that great success comes from meditating on Christ (Joshua 1:8) or Psalms 46:10 that declares it is through stillness that we come to know God Be still and know that I am God Psalm 46: 10
http://www. thereligionteacher "Close your eyes and become aware of the gentle sound of your breathing. Breathe in slowly......and slowly breathe out......You begin to focus on the sounds outside and inside the classroom ........leave them behind as you you imagine yourself standing in front of a door........Think of your favorite place...When you are ready, open the door and enter into your favorite place....focus on what you can hear and see......Notice all the little sounds and the louder sounds....Notice all the colors you are aware of.......Soon you see someone coming to meet you...a friend or family member........Coming to you the person speaks and says that you have been chosen to see God...And all you need to do is ask for it...When you are ready, and in your own way, come into God's presence....reflect on what you see and on God. For a moment, all time stands still. What do you see? ....What do you feel?......There is something that you wish to ask God before you need to go. Ask God one thing you wish you had an answer to. ......Listen to God's reply. ..........When you are ready, become aware of returning to the door of the room.. Open it and you are aware once more of the sounds of this room. Breathe in slowly.....Slowly breathe out.......As soon as you feel the time is right, open your eyes and begin to draw and then write your vision of God, in silence." (At this point, some instrumental music may be suitable or you may feel that silence is best)