History, Distribution, Importance, and Uses of Hulled Wheats in the Western Black Sea Region with Their Macro - Micro Element Contents and Soil Characteristics Huri Melek YAMAN1, Fatma PEHLİVAN KARAKAŞ1,2, Bülent ORDU3, Nusret ZENCİRCİ1 1Abant Izzet Baysal University, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Art, Bolu 2Abant Izzet Baysal University, Department of Field Crops, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Sciences, Bolu 3Abant İzzet Baysal Univ., Economical and Commercial Faculty, Business Department, Bolu Email: hurimelek14@hotmail.com ABSTRACT Wheat is a basic product of human nutrition. Einkorn (Triticum monococum ssp monococum) and emmer (Triticum dicoccum Schrank) are cultivated hulled wheat ancestors. consumed mostly as bulgur, bread, macaroni, and cookies. possess lower glycemic indices, less gluten, no cholesterol, no unsaturated fat, and higher folic acid content. MATERIAL AND METHODS Sample Preparation Einkorn and Emmer Products 1. Questionnaires for demography, agriculture, and trade in the western Black Sea regions were applied (n=50). 2. Grain and soil samples, collected Karabük, Kastamonu, Samsun, Sinop, and Bolu were analyzed for macro (N, P, K), micro (Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn) elements, and moreover, energy, carbohydrate, crude protein, crude oil, raw fiber, total sugar, starch, raw ash, hectoliter, and thousand-grain weight. 3. Descriptive and advanced statistical analysis were run. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION There is a strong relationship between diet and chronic vascular diseases, especially obesity, diabetes, and cancer. Intake of healthy foods such as einkorn and emmer might decrease the risks of chronic diseases. We found in the study across the western Black sea that hulled wheats: grown in distant mountainous areas with limited yield, and trade; contained higher macro and micro elements; possessed better some physical and chemical quality characteristics. Figure 1: Processing in ancient times Table 1 and 2: Analysis results of Einkorn and emmer Macro and Micro Elements in Wheat Grain Sample Number / Location Variety Iron (Fe ) mg/kg Potassium (K) mg/kg Zinc (Zn) mg/kg Manganese (Mn) mg/kg Phosphorus (P) mg/kg Copper (Cu) mg/kg 1-Karabük Safranbolu Emmer 35,82 4.723,00 48,69 34,17 4.324,00 4,65 2-Kastamonu İhsangazi Akkaya köyü Einkorn 30,69 4.242,00 75,01 45,09 4.217,00 4,80 3-Kastamonu İhsangazi Çatalyazı köyü einkorn 29,44 4.776,00 55,09 36,68 4.341,00 4,75 4-Kastamonu İhsangazi Enbiya köyü 59,46 5.652,00 62,05 53,93 5.687,00 4,86 5-Samsun Ladik Çamlıköy 30,36 4.347,00 42,96 29,66 3.774,00 4,67 6-Sinop Durağan Kirencik köyü 27,83 4.570,00 38,71 24,72 3.926,00 4,04 7-Bolu Seben 46,44 4.190,00 54,10 31,06 3.473,00 5,37 8-Sinop Durağan Gölgerişi köyü 27,46 5.125,00 46,07 32,37 4.420,00 4,53 9-Bolu Seben Musosoflar köyü 43,00 4.270,00 51,15 28,11 3.328,00 5,34 10-Eskişehir Bezostoya Bezostoya 1 30,17 3.844,00 35,92 34,54 4.081,00 4,60 11-Eskişehir Kunduru Kunduru 1149 38,34 4.498,00 46,47 43,82 4.647,00 6,45 Physical and Chemical Analysis in Wheat Grain Sample Number Variety Energy kcal/100gr Crude cellulose Nitrogen (N )% Carbohydrate % Total sugar % Raw ash % 1000 grain weight gr Crude protein % Starch % Hectoliter kg/hl Raw oil % 1 Emmer 308,00 3,10 2,12 61,29 0,59 1,79 27,90 12,08 60,70 72,30 1,63 2 Einkorn 281,00 3,01 2,24 54,64 0,84 1,72 21,70 12,80 53,82 77,50 1,26 3 einkorn 284,00 2,44 1,95 56,65 0,92 1,70 33,80 11,13 55,73 80,20 1,43 4 307,00 1,29 2,15 61,20 2,01 23,40 12,26 59,50 78,10 1,46 5 304,00 2,28 1,98 60,67 0,67 1,65 29,30 11,30 60,10 71,00 1,75 6 301,00 2,11 61,02 0,82 1,74 32,40 9,70 60,20 75,60 7 298,00 2,39 2,51 57,33 0,96 27,20 14,29 56,37 79,80 8 312,00 1,53 64,68 0,78 37,90 8,74 63,90 75,50 2,04 9 287,00 2,14 2,23 55,65 0,65 1,52 25,70 12,72 55,00 80,40 1,51 10 Bezostoya 1 289,00 3,00 59,54 0,43 1,57 48,10 11,63 59,11 75,20 11 Kunduru 1149 3,82 3,03 55,24 0,54 1,83 50,70 17,28 56,70 77,90 1,59 In conclusion, we can say that hulled wheats in the western Black sea diversify for macro-micro elements and quality characteristics. Therefore, they are good for healthier foods and potential genitors in wheat quality breeding programs.