-NEW URL? January 14, 2017 -NEW URL?
Saturday, January 14th North Star Church in Acworth A super intense, super fun day with kids celebrating reading.
Competition Day for Elementary 8:30 - Volunteers report to ??? Fellowship hall?? - Coaches check in 9:00 – Welcome and Parade of Teams – Sanctuary 9:15 – opening Ceremonies begin in Sanctuary 9:30 – Competition begins. Closing ceremonies immediately following competition in the Sanctuary.
Competition Day : Middle & High 1:30 – Volunteers report to ??? Fellowship hall? - Coaches check in 2:00 – Welcome and Parade of Teams - Sanctuary 2:15 – Opening Ceremonies begin in the Sanctuary 2:30 – Competition begins. Closing ceremonies immediately following competition in the Sanctuary.
No food or drinks. The competition lasts less than 4 hours No food or drinks. The competition lasts less than 4 hours. No food are drinks will be permitted inside the building.
There are NO exceptions! DEADLINE TO REGISTER October 28, 2016 is the deadline for application to compete in the CC HRRB competition. Both the non-refundable $60 application fee and the application must be turned in by then. You must have a volunteer listed on your application. This can be for your level of competition or the alternate level. There are NO exceptions! Send payment and application to: Renée Crumley Lovinggood Middle School
DEADLINE TO REGISTER In addition, we are asking each coach to submit 25 original questions for a HRRB book to be used for the competition. Sign up for the book Questions must be submitted by the October 28th deadline for your submission to be finalized.
Writing Questions The questions must be from the text and not inferred. The questions must be worded, "In the book The Terrible Two, …" with the title clearly stated. The answer must contain the page number the question is found on and what type of format (paperpack/hardback) pb pg 102. * The questions must cover the entire book and not just the first half.
Competition Day – Volunteers Each team must provide one adult volunteer. ** This volunteer will NOT be with your team at all during the day** We highly suggest providing a volunteer for the alternate competition. (Elementary volunteer for MS/HS and MS/HS volunteer for Elementary)
A new perspective… Consider volunteering for the other grade level competition. It’s a completely different experience from the other side of the buzzer!
Be Part of the Team – Join the CCRRB Steering Committee It truly takes a village to get an event the size of this one to run smoothly. We welcome new faces and new ideas. Please consider joining the Steering Committee right this minute to help with this year’s event and have a voice in next year’s competition as well.
Game Format A school may have no more than one team at each level. Coaches must remain in the room with their teams. Each school will participate in six rounds unless there is a tie-breaker. Each round will consist of 10 questions.
Game Format Alternates may be substituted between rounds. Teams will receive 10 points for each correct answer. There will be no penalties for wrong answers. Each team has 5 members and 5 alternates. No more than five students may compete during a round.
Private schools Schools with students in multiple levels for competition may have more than one team. For example, a school has grades 4 – 6 they may have: one elementary team - students in 4th and 5th grades one middle school team for 6th grade 6th grade students may not compete at the elementary level. However, 4th & 5th grade students may compete at the middle school level.
Game Rules Each student participating in the round will hold the buzzer, and will buzz in when he/she knows the answer to the questions. When the student buzzes in, the console judge must acknowledge the student and team. The student must wait to answer the question until the judge acknowledges him/her. If a student shouts out an answer without being called upon to answer, that team loses the opportunity to answer. The Moderator will repeat the question for the other team.
Game Rules The student must answer the question within ten seconds. If a contestant buzzes before the completion of a question, the moderator stops reading and, after being recognized, the contestant must answer immediately. If an incorrect answer is given, the moderator reads the entire question to the opposing team. The team then has an opportunity to answer the question within 10 seconds. If neither team buzzes in within ten seconds, the moderator will answer the question and proceed to the next question. No points will be given for an unanswered question. c. If a team member answers the question without buzzing in, the moderator will ignore the answer and wait for someone to buzz in correctly.
CHALLENGE: A challenge can only be initiated by a player. A coach cannot initiate a challenge.
Game Rules: Challenges At no time may a coach speak with any team members unless a question is challenged by a student. Any concern about an answer to a question MUST be addressed by the student to the COACH before the next question is asked. The student will get the attention of the coach by raising his/her hand. The student and coach will discuss the challenge. The coach will decide if the challenge is credible. A coach may decide not to raise the challenge to the moderator.
Game Rules: Challenges If the coach decides to continue with the challenge, he/she will inform the moderator, who will take the appropriate steps of sending the challenge to the challenge room for a decision. The moderator may offer the coaches the opportunity to throw out the question in lieu of spending time challenging the question. In that case, an alternate question will be substituted. A challenge is for when the student feels the question or answer is incorrect. NOT because no one answered the question correctly!
Game Rules Sportsmanship – If the moderator notices that a coach is speaking with a team member during a round, whether or not he/she is providing answers to questions, the Moderator will push the call button in the room to alert the challenge officials to come and remove the coach from the competition. That coach will also be disqualified from the following year’s competition as well.
Game Rules Team members are not allowed to confer with each other during the rounds, and coaches are not allowed to speak with team members during the round unless a student initiates a challenge. Talking during the competition is prohibited. Team violations may include team members, coaches, and/or visitors. Once the round begins, there should be no noise of any kind. This includes clapping and cheering from visitors. Help the teams FOCUS!
Winners! They are all winners, so let’s Make sure every one feels like a winner! Determined by total points from all 6 competition rounds Top 2 teams advance to Regional competition (First Saturday in February in Carrollton) Top 3 teams receive special trophies Participation trophies for everyone else
Good Sportsmanship makes it fun! Smile and be happy! No dirty looks No sneers or mean comments toward your own or the other team Thank the volunteers for donating their Saturday
Final Reminders: Registration is due before October 28th You must provide an adult volunteer on your registration form Coaches must submit 25 original competition questions for a book they signed for. No food/drinks in the building. Please remind your team to thank the volunteers. Encourage good sportsmanship among your team members, parents, coaches, teachers and administration.
It‘s All About the Kids! Promoting the Love of Reading Thanks, Coaches It‘s All About the Kids! Promoting the Love of Reading