www.cfe-certification.eu MATTHIAS SCHEID FGM-AMOR Company Name Name Brussels , February 2017
Background & Development “Ljubljana Declaration” B2W project consortium decide to develop certification scheme for cycle friendly employers The basis build the existing certification scheme from ADFC Agreement on the EU-Framework Developing of CFE- Website Developing of self-evaluation tool for companies
The CFE-Scheme EU wide framework Who can participate? Defined Fields of Action Defined Measures per Action Defined Must Criteria / Bicycle Coordinator Defined Points per Measure Who can participate? Micro, small, medium- sized, large companies
Information │ Communication │ Motivation Coordination │ Organisation The Fields of Action Information │ Communication │ Motivation Coordination │ Organisation Service Infrastructure Bicycle Parking Access to Company Premises Changing Rooms / Showers Parking Management as complementary Measure Customer Traffic
Example for measures within a Field of Action AF1: Information│ Communication │ Motivation CFE measure Max. points Participation in the „Bike to Work“ campaign 10 Internal extension of the „Bike to Work“ campaign 5 Information on cycling for new employees or those switching from motoring to cycling Internal bicycle marketing 7 Repeating activities (rituals) to promote cycling Rewards for cyclists 4 Individual trip planning guidance for cyclists Mentor system – bike-buddy services 3 Company bicycle tour Information events regarding bicycle transport Training opportunities in the area of bicycle transport Create a map of the surrounding area of your company Maximum score 59 Minimum score / threshold needed for bronce level 16 Minimum score / threshold needed for silver level 20 Minimum score / threshold needed for gold level 32 5
Example for a Measures All Measures are described in detail in the Guidebook: „Cycle friendly employer – easy made“ www.cfe-certification.eu 6
EU Framework National Variables Fields of Action Measures Must Criteria Points per Action Needed Points / Threshold per AF Singel level or multi level certification Additional Must Criteria Process of certification (self-evaluation , on site Audit….)
Next Step and Sustainability Certify first companies Get new countries on board CFE-Certification - a WIN WIN situation Business model for companies that offer the certification Better public image and appearance for certified companies Better Framework conditions for European Cyclists 8
www.cfe-certification.eu MATTHIAS SCHEID FGM-AMOR 9
Company Name Name Brussels , February 2017