Gender roles and expectations As a group, read the article at your table and complete the following: What is the main idea or argument expressed in your article? What statement is it making about modern gender roles and expectations (min one paragraph)? What evidence is used to support this statement? Create a poster illustrating Medieval gender roles/expectations based on both your notes and “The Wife of Bath’s Tale” (including the Prologue) and modern gender roles/expectations based on media portrayals, your article, and any other sources you choose to incorporate (be sure to cite additional sources). Your poster should include both descriptions and visuals and address expectations and roles for both men and women
Reflection Respond to the following in a minimum of ½ a page: How have gender roles and expectations changed over the last few centuries? What things are still similar? How are these roles portrayed in modern media?
As you read… Essential Question: What types of things influence our individual and societal views about gender roles? Note in your INB the experiences that have influenced Sanders’ views about men and women (be sure to include line numbers so you can refer back to them easily)
After reading Summary: Based on your reading, respond to the essential question - what are some things that can influence our individual and societal views on gender roles? How does this relate to the article(s) you read?