Child Labor by Eva M. & Fiona M.
People make small children carry large and heavy loads of stones. This is just one example of child labor around the world.
Child Soldiers
There are 300,000 child soldiers the age of an average elementary student in at least 19 countries around the world. They are forced to kill their family and friends. Child soldiers are given drugs to keep them compliant. They work in dangerous factories to make weapons for the military. February 12 is International Day Against The Use of Child Soldiers.
Apple products Child Labor is used in the making of Apple products. 137 workers get poisoned by the chemicals in the products.
How Does This Effect Girls’ Education This effects girls’ and boys’ education because they are forced into working. But it effects mostly girls because most parents choose to send boys to school anyway.
Want To Help? The Vision “ Ensuring that exploited girls, and other children in the Hillbrow, Berea and greater South African community become contributing members of society.” The Mission “Rescuing exploited girls and restoring their dignity in a safe environment, while implementing rehabilitative measures that nurture and educate in order to build a foundation for successful adulthood.” From Home of Hope website
Want to Help? They work in: Central eastern Europe East Asia and The Pacific Eastern & Southern Africa Industrialized countries Latin America and Caribbean Middle East & North Africa South Asia West and Central Africa