Principles and Processes in Chemistry 100 ResBaz a worldwide festival promoting the digital literacy emerging at the center of modern research Prof Andrew Rohl Curtin Institute for Computation Lecture 3.1: Thermochemistry
Research Bazaar? Cathedral Bazaar Monolithic Built to a grand plan Small group of leaders Bazaar Many participants with no prerequisites No central control From this apparent chaos, an excellent product can emerge
Software Carpentry Not for profit activity since 1998 Teach researchers in science, engineering, medicine and other disciplines basic computing skills to make them more productive (Volunteer) Scientists teaching scientists Two days of hands-on learning Unix shell ⇒ automate repetitive tasks Git and GitHub ⇒ track and share work Python or R ⇒ build modular
What’s Missing? Students report they really enjoy the experience But… Usually recognise they learnt something useful to their research But… Find it a daunting task to implement in their research Find they need help after the workshop Need to become part of a community
ResBaz In 2015, University of Melbourne ran the first ResBaz conference Held in Melbourne but got substantial funding from ARCS and Nectar to support intrastate attendees 150 attendees from 40 different institutions in ANZ Based on Software Carpentry Ran additional coursework Natural Language Toolkit Social Media for Research Introduction to 3D Printing
Community Building Activities Research tools poster session Structured informal sessions (in a big tent!) ECR advice through guest key-stories Examples of cross-disciplinary engagement and community support Networking with other attendees Some attendees even camped on the grounds Early morning yoga
Principles and Processes in Chemistry 100 2016 Sites 120 80 100 80 200 80 80 Lecture 3.1: Thermochemistry
Perth ResBaz 2016 Held at Murdoch University 80 attendees from all 5 WA Unis In reconfigurable teaching space Enabled two streams (R and python) Ran activities with whole group Additional coursework Social Media for Researchers D3.js LaTeX Nvivo Research tools poster session Star-gazing!
Anonymous Feedback Everyone is talking, no stress, great vibe, lots of networking, great! The helpfulness of all the tolerant tutors and colleagues Really enjoyed my time learning all the tools especially R. Thank you for making Perth ResBaz happen Liked I could always refer back to website if there was something I could not follow Examples are a great way to understand programming Challenges really helped cement understanding Helpers are a great help, especially Matt Great ratios of tutors to students Really helpful for beginners Awesome!! Hope to attend an ‘advanced’ conference
Suggested improvements Levels of students too different. Too slow for some and too fast for others Make a week long to cover more examples Show more diagrams of what code is trying to achieve
ResBaz 2017 First week of February (30 Jan – 5 Feb) Perth site will be at Curtin University