Dr. A. R. Koymen New Physics in Magnetic Nanolayers Sputtering System SQUID
Artificial Ferrimagnets & Compensation Temperature → H
Thermal Hysteresis (Bow-tie) Magnetic Superheating and Supercooling S. Demirtas, M. R. Hossu, R. E. Camley, H. C. Mireles and A. R. Koymen, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. B
TM and RE response to temperature Different response of the sublattices to temperature is the key for thermal hysteresis
Thermal Hysteresis vs Hext Experiment Theory [Co 2nm/Gd 2nm]8
Co/Tb Multilayer Maria Hossu and A. R Co/Tb Multilayer Maria Hossu and A. R. Koymen, accepted for publication in Journal of Applied Physics
CoGd Alloys (experiment vs theory) S. Demirtas, R. Camley and A. R CoGd Alloys (experiment vs theory) S. Demirtas, R. Camley and A. R. Koymen, accepted for publication in Applied Physics Letters
Magnetic Recording (toy model) Positive magnetic field Selective (writes one type of data) Symmetric and tunable Amorphous Fe, Co, Gd, Tb (perpendicular/longitudinal) Stable at small sizes (AF coupled) High areal density Grain size? seed layer?
Ongoing Research Maria Hossu(Ph.D. student) Manufacture multilayers that have out of plane anisotropy (use new X-ray machine) Mustafa Arikan (Ph.D. student) Discover new magnetic semiconductors for device applications (GaTbAs, GaGdAs)
Interface domains Switching of the hard layers creates interface domains Hard-soft change relaxes interface domains
Multiple thermal hysteresis – Co/Gd Decoupling of the hysteresis loop can create tunable thermal hysteresis