finland & The main 5 attractions
The Winters Mostly, Finland is known for its ”Winter Wonderland”, so if you're a friend of skiing, come to Lapland. And hit the breathtaking hills and mountains and enjoy the crystal clear view from the best hotels and resorts in Finland Also skiing in Finland is unlike any other alpine ski holiday. The breathtaking scene, and the ice sculptured forests with frozen lakes are the most beautiful things that you shall not see in many places.
Santa Claus Also, the world-famous Santa Claus lives in Finland. And you can even visit him. So get on the (?) and start riding towards Santa Claus and his wife. So when you come and visit Rovaniemi you will offer memories that you're children will never forget again.
Aurora Borealis One of Finland's most beautiful things you can see are the amazing aurora borealis's that many people gather to watch and feel the magic that the aurora borealis will offer you.
Muumivillage One of the most popular (?) among the children is the famous muumivillage. This village is build exactly by the steps of the original show and sow are the characters. So visit moomivillage, to experience magic, love and memories that will stay in your memories forever.
Nallikari The Nallikari Camping Village is located in Oulu, on the are there are 70 cabins, and much more entertainment. The resort is only 4km from the city, so if you feel like shopping, its only a walk away. So feel free to stay in the amazing resort, watching the breathtaking views, and enjoying the winter wonderland and skiing, or the summery water and relax in the sun.
Sites Worksited Pictures Skiing in Finland. IGLUSKI, n.d. Web. 27 Sep 2011. <>. "Daves Gallery." N.p., Wed Apr 13 17:43:10 2011. Web. 27 Sep 2011. < pg>. "Santa Claus Village." N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Sep 2011. < %20Rovaniemi.jpg>. "Aurora Borealis." N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Sep 2011. < -lights.jpg>. "Muumi." N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Sep 2011. < C3%A4t+Naantalissa+muumih%C3%A4it%C3%A4/113523807047 5>. "Muumit." N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Sep 2011. < &bih=607&tbm=isch&tbnid=kl_C3QhDpY38TM:&imgrefurl=http:/ / AM&w=575&h=406&ei=QvyBTqvMHcrvsgbDmYiXDg&zoom=1&ia ct=rc&dur=329&page=1&tbnh=115&tbnw=143&start=0&ndsp=27&v ed=1t:429,r:8,s:0&tx=66&ty=51>. "Nallikari Summer." N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Sep 2011. <>. "Nallikari Winter." N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Sep 2011. < snc4/161940_377581195258_1597032_n.jpg>.