Here are today’s announcements!
Want a fun job for the summer? Golfland SunSplash is hiring!
恭喜发财 Wishing you good fortune 万事如意 Good luck in everything Did you know that today is the 1st day of the 4714 year of the Chinese Lunar Calendar? This year’s zodiac animal also happens to be the year of the Monkey. Chinese Zodiac a 12 year cycle symbolized by 12 animals, with each animal having a different personality and characteristic. Traditionally, the Chinese New Year celebration is a 15 day celebration and it concludes on the 15th day with the lantern festival. During this week long celebration, people will greet one another and wish each other good fortune by saying positive things such as 新年好快乐 Happy New Year 恭喜发财 Wishing you good fortune 万事如意 Good luck in everything 大吉大利 Fortune and success
SENIORS **This is not a school sponsored trip. If you are interested in attending the Senior Trip, May 26, 2016, to Universal Studios, please pick up a packet outside F116.
Order your yearbook now for $75.00 ! Last day to order is March 4th. Stop by the Bookstore F2 with cash, check, or credit card and get the book that has all of this year’s great memories! In May, yearbooks will be $80.00. But don’t wait! They run out fast!
Ms. Fritz for information in A112. Boys & Girls State Any Junior interested in participating in Boys & Girls State, please see Ms. Fritz for information in A112. All interested parties must write a 500 word essay on why they would like to represent Basha at State. Deadline for essays is February 26th. Joaquin Bustoz Math-Science (Residential) Honors Program Eligible Sophomores and Juniors may apply. Tuition, room and board, textbooks, and classroom expenses will be provided. Visit web-site for eligibility and application guidelines. Deadline to apply: February 26, 2016
AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE WHY LEARN AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE Top 10 Reasons for learning Sign Language at BHS: We go on an out of state field trip every year! You can communicate through windows. Sign language is a 3-D language. You can sign with your mouth full. It is the 3rd most used language in America. You can sign underwater. Sign Language is an amazing way to express yourself. You can communicate across a room without shouting. Sign language is beautiful. You can make friends with deaf people. Sign Language is NOT Universal YES-Sign Language Counts as a Foreign Language YES-BHS ASL is offered all 4 years YES-Students will interact with Deaf People YES-From Day ONE Students will use American Sign Language
Stop by D-105 and see “J” for more info! Intro to Music Theory littleBits …called “Creative Musicianship” in the future… Do you like music? Do you like to be creative? Would you like to create your own music? NEW curriculum… ONLY offered at BHS! Work with HYBRID resources (both digital and analog sounds) NO music or computer experience necessary Earn your FA credit (1/2 semester) Stop by D-105 and see “J” for more info! MakeyMakey
LATE BUS PASSES You must have a signed pass to ride the Late Bus. See Mrs. Lindvig in the front office for a Late Bus Pass. Late Buss passes are for students attending tutoring or after school club activities only. Passes require a signature from that particular teacher. A new pass is required each day.
Check out the Student Handbook Not sure what thE BHS dress code is? Check out the Student Handbook At
SENIORS CAP and GOWN, If you have NOT purchased your please go to and order your cap and gown now.
Do you know a teacher who goes BHS Students Do you have a favorite teacher? Do you know a teacher who goes above and beyond? Nominate your teacher for the Silver Apple Award Deadline: February 29th See Ms. Taylor in the Administration Building for an application. Teachers will be featured on 3TV and will receive special prizes.
Kona Ice Fundraiser Every Tuesday during A & B Lunch
Check out what’s happening around Basha each week.