Towards Inclusivity: Providing equal opportunities for the participation of ALL in electoral processes – the right to vote. International best practices -Diaspora, women, youths, and people living with disabilities and ethnic minorities’ participation in elections.”
Obstacles to Women’s Participation Social and Cultural - stigma and harassment restrictions on women’s interactions with men or with outsiders, need for spousal approval Lack of education and confidence Media coverage Domestic responsibilities including child bearing and child care – affect mobility and time available for political activities Tradition – conservatism Financial –Less financial resources than men. Violence – election related violence, sexual assault
Diaspora Distance Location Lack of information and interaction with stakeholders
Obstacles for People living with disabilities Mobility and Accessibility of election sites (registration centres, polling stations, nomination courts, rally locations) Visibility Audibility Violence Language - Voter education material, voter information, party information e.g.. manifestoes and ballots,
Obstacles to Youth Participation Disenchantment with the electoral process and political leadership Lack of Information Lack of Opportunities – Patriarchy Violence and Abuse Stigma Financial
Obstacles for Ethnic Minorities Location- distance from the centre located in remote areas Language – voter education and voter information material, party information such as manifestoes Prejudice
Measures to be used Legislation Policy Regulations Administrative practices Voluntary measures esp. from political parties leadership Research Public education Documentation for accountability purposes
Responsibility Legislature Election Management Body Civil society organisations Community based organisations Law enforcement agencies Political parties Media Judiciary Democracy Watchdog Organisations (Commissions)
Diaspora Legislation –regulatory framework Quotas – Mozambique has two reserved seats for the diaspora Out of country registration – South Sudan 2011 In person out of country voting- at embassies egg Mozambique and South Africa or at designated polling locations e.g. South Sudan Referendum (2011) Absentee Methods such as Postal voting – USA, New Zealand Proxy voting Electronic Voting Social Media and Internet for voter education – South Africa
Women Voluntary Party quotas for women in political party leadership and on candidate lists (Mozambique, South Africa) Legislated quotas representation in the legislature (Rwanda and Uganda) or in the EMB (Zimbabwe) Financial support for female candidate (NRM-Uganda) Capacity building and training for women candidates and after election women legislators (Uganda 2016) Zimbabwe Online Candidate Nomination (South Africa) Special voting (South Africa) which include early voting or home visits. Proxy voting (Ghana 2016) Door to door campaigning Separate polling stations for men and women – Afghanistan Pakistan, Ecuador , Argentina Perpetrators of violence brought to book
People living with disabilities Quotas for representation in legislature (Uganda) Voter education and information using sign language and braille Online Candidate Nomination System – South Africa Voting Materials – Accessible voting machines with video displays and built in braille ballot papers - USA Tactile ballots (Ghana) and Universal ballot template (South Africa) Assisted voting –Uganda Proxy Voting –Ghana /United Kingdom Special Voting – early voting and home visits (South Africa) Temporary changes to voting locations for example to enable wheel chair access –using ramps Technology –mobile apps. (South Africa)
Youth Voluntary Party Quotas for leadership and candidate lists (South Africa- ANC, EFF) Legislated quotas – Uganda Policy to target youth for election management – Zanzibar Electoral Commission (Gender and Social Inclusion policy) – INEC and the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) in Nigeria Mobilisation of youth for elections –e.g. South African elections Training for youth candidates the National Commission for Civic Education (Ghana) training for youth candidates. Technology – Mobile apps egg. IEC South Africa Use of Social Media – EMBs, CSOs, Political Parties
Ethnic Minorities Voluntary Party Quotas Legislated Quotas Voter education materials in minority languages Voter information materials in minority languages
Challenges with increasing participation Use of Temporary Measures -quotas Tokenism Resistance and Backlash Stigma towards beneficiaries of quota systems Participation as direct candidates is reduced Residence status of prospective voters Cost – diaspora voting Timing –must be completed before election day before end of campaigning Security –diaspora voting Electoral integrity –diaspora voting is not easily observable